Which District Are you? Take the Quiz from The Fandom, Fandango & Movies.com
Mon, November 25, 2013
Molly in Catching Fire, Catching Fire , Contests, Fan Creations, Fan News, Fandango, catching fire quiz, district, movies.com, the fandom

Which District are you? The Fandom, Fandango and Movies.com, are going to help you find out. Take the quiz, which uses a complex formula to figure out what Panem district you truly belong in. Do you belong in District 4 with Finnick or District 12 with Katniss, or maybe you’re even a citizen of the Capitol? Click HERE to take the quiz and get your District card to share on social media.

We found out that we are truly District 11! I'm going to put my overalls on right now.


Article originally appeared on Panem Propaganda (https://www.panempropaganda.com/).
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