New 'Mockingjay Part 1' Still - Katniss in District 12
Sat, October 11, 2014
Molly in District 12, Jennifer Lawrence, Katniss Everdeen, Mockingjay Cast, Mockingjay News, President Snow, mockingjay part 1, mockingjay part 1 stills

Volga Film (Mockingjay Part 1's Russian distributor) is on fire today - they debuted a second Mockingjay Part 1 still on their twitter account, this one is Katniss plucking a perfect rose from a vase of wilted roses. Obviously, the scene where she goes back to the ashes of District 12:

My nose twitches. It's the smell. Cloying and artificial. A dab of white peeks out of a vase of dried flowers on my dresser. I approach it with cautious steps. There, all but obscured by its preserved cousins, is a fresh white rose. Perfect. Down to the last thorn and silken petal.

And I know immediately who's sent it to me.
President Snow.


See today's other new still, Gale Hawthorne in the Armory HERE


Article originally appeared on Panem Propaganda (
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