Pat yourselves on the back, tributes. The first day of advance-ticket sales for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 was a record-setter, selling more than any other movie in 2014 so far, according to both Fandango and
As you are well aware,
tickets went on sale yesterday, three weeks ahead of the November 21 release. Believe it or not, the previous advance sale record-holder this year for Fandango was Divergent! also reported an advance ticket sales record for 2014 on Mockingjay, also noting that it demolished the first-day advance sales of the huge hit Guardians Of The Galaxy which opened to $93.4M in August.
There's still good reason to buy your tickets early -
Fandango is offering a
Mockingjay Part 1 sweepstakes entry with the purchase of a ticket on their site, and you'll be automatically entered to win a 2015 Mazda 3. You can get tickets at Fandango
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