Panem Propaganda Goes to the 'Mockingjay Part 1' Premiere + Our Reactions to the Film
Mon, December 1, 2014
Molly in Fan News, Francis Lawrence, Jeffrey Wright, Jena Malone, Lionsgate News, Mockingjay Cast, Mockingjay News, Natalie Dormer, Panem Propaganda, mockingjay part 1 after party, mockingjay part 1 los angeles after party, mockingjay part 1 premiere los angeles, mockingjay premiere

Molly and Angie from PP with Josh Hutcherson. Thanks for taking the time, Josh! We were lucky enough to be invited to the Mockingjay Part 1 premiere and after party in Los Angeles and wanted to share some of our photos and the experience with all of you. Molly, Dan and Angie from the site attended this year and it was an experience we'll never forget. 

Our Leader The Mockingjay outside the JW Marriott in Los Angeles

We got into Los Angeles on the Saturday before the premiere on Monday, November 17th, so we were able to watch the transformation of Nokia Plaza into the red carpet area for Mockingjay Part 1 over the course of the weekend:

Setting up the red (white) carpet area at Nokia 

A look at the after-party tent preparation. Click for larger image.

Molly and Dan from PP in front of a great Mockingjay mural near L.A. Live

One of the best parts about the whole weekend was meeting up with other fans and our followers. We had a little Mockingjay meet-up at Starbucks Sunday morning. 

Monday the premiere festivities began! Angie from PP was covering the red carpet area. It was a beautiful set-up - all gleaming white and very Capitol-esque. Here's a look at it as the press was setting up and before all the arrivals began:

Angie from PP on the white carpet

I spy Kimmy and Camille from and Aldrin from Down With the CapitolThe press getting set up to interview the celebrities

The madness began as the stars started to arrive. Angie was taking pictures for us on the red carpet - it was pretty chaotic!

Our follower Chelsea Buyce with Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth in the background! 

Can you spot Jena talking to Grant from in the chaos?

Elizabeth Banks & Jeffrey Wright share a hug


After the red carpet, it was time to see the movie! We all got to our seats inside the Nokia Theater and then got to watch the celebs come in and take their seats - Suzanne Collins, Willow Shields, Stef Dawson, Wes Chatham, Elden Henson and more walked right in to take their seats among everyone. Unfortunately, there were no cameras allowed (other than professional and select press) so we couldn't snap any pictures. 

The cast came out with director Francis Lawrence, and producers Nina Jacobson and Jon Kilik to introduce the movie:

Click for full size images

Then the lights went down and the movie began! See our staff reactions to the film at the end of this post.

After the complete shock (in a good way) of the movie, the huge crowd was hustled right from the theater to the after party, which was held on the top of the parking structure (sorry, the Event Deck) adjacent the theater. 

After party photos and much more after the jump! 

The Lionsgate team never disappoints when it comes to their after-parties! The decor followed the theme of District 13, complete with smoking rubble strewn with white roses at the entry. The WK Interact Katniss posters flanked the doorway.

Click for larger images

Inside the party it was just WILD! There were food stations everywhere, open bars, Effies running around in District 13 garb that you could take your picture with, a Samsung photo booth with President Snow's throne, and oh - no big deal - the stars of Mockingjay Part 1 just hanging out inside.  

Click each image for the larger view

A 10 second time-lapse of the after party:

Inside the after party tent

The INSANE VIP area that everyone wanted to get intoMolly, Angie and Dan from PP with one of the Effies inside the partyOur favorite part of the entire night was getting to meet some of the people who make our beloved franchise possible:

Molly, Angie and Josh HutchersonAngie and Molly with Jena Malone and Lem Jay Ignacio of The ShoeNatalie Dormer and MollyProducer Nina Jacobson and AngieWe got to talk with Nina for a while and she is THE BEST. We're very lucky to have her producing The Hunger Games franchise. 

Dan with President Snow's grandaughter - Erika BiermanAngie and Elden Henson (Pollux) - one of our fave new faces from Mockingjay Part 1Aaannnd then we had to go back to reality! We were the last ones at the party - again... 


Running a fansite is truly a labor of love - it's all volunteer - so this is one of those perks that makes the whole year of work worthwhile. It's one of those nights we definitely wish we could have all of you there to fangirl (and boy) with us! I hope this sort of feels like you were with us. You definitely were there with us in spirit! 

Just so we can make this the LONGEST POST EVER, we're going to include our reactions to Mockingjay Part 1. Read on if you'd like to know how everyone from PP felt about the movie.


The short version: I loved it!

The longer version:  It was beautiful and brutal and, for me, perfectly adapted yet still surprising. As someone who is so involved in the Hunger Games world and knows the books inside and out, it was wonderful to be surprised by things. (Mostly Francis’ choices/how he told the story visually and expanded upon the universe). Josh as Peeta was just - I don’t have words. I think people worried about how Gale is portrayed will feel a little better after seeing the movie. I think the true fans of the books will be really, really happy. I am.



Whew! Let me just start by saying that the book, Mockingjay, tore me up. The first time I read it, I was an emotional mess for a a couple days. Yes, I admit it. No holding back and sugar coating anything. I. WAS. A. WRECK. Ok, onward now to the next two times I read Mockingjay. Still upset, still freaked, but at least I knew what was going to happen, so my reaction did not last as long as the first time. Maybe just a day. ;)

Now the time has come for the first part of Mockingjay to make its way into the theater. Well, let me just say that Francis Lawrence, Nina Jacobson and the rest of the genius crew has gone above and beyond to bring this story to the screen. My goodness! We already knew what to expect with this story, but let's just say that they amped up the intensity 10 fold. What was missing from the book, I didn't miss it. We didn't need it. I'm happy that they rearranged, left out, and added to this movie-(sweet little Effie) It worked and made it HECKA better, IMHO.

Also, Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson deserve a huge pat on the back, hug, and whatever non creepy, positive reaction there could be for their performances. Man! For real. No one could say otherwise. Right? Anywhoo, Mockingjay Part 1 was everything I expected it to be and more. If you read this book and/or saw this movie, and did not poop your heart out, or at least were not moved in some way, you are not from this planet. Until Mockingjay Part 2 (just you wait until that one...... help me lord), take care HG Fandom. :)


As I settled to watch Mockingjay Part 1 last Thursday night, you could say that I was a little nervous...but mostly excited. I had just seen Catching Fire at my theater, so the Peeta and Katniss we knew and loved were fresh in my mind. All in all, Mockingjay Part 1 was absolutely stunning. It blew me away; I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. It is a highly intense film and it certainly exceeded all of my expectations, which were pretty high to begin with. Packed with emotion, Francis Lawrence delivered the message of what war can do to people. There was just the right amount of combat scenes. It was very, very close to the book and I found the story and imagery to be quite realistic.

Prior to seeing the film, I was really anxious to see how Josh Hutcherson would play the role of Peeta. He is incredible and pulled through fantastically. Peeta’s been through some pretty heavy stuff, and Josh captured Peeta’s conflicted emotions and feelings perfectly. In addition, Jennifer Lawrence portrayed Katniss more beautifully than ever before. Even after reading Mockingjay, the intensity of Katniss’ emotions is stronger than ever in the film. Lawrence nailed Katniss in this movie. Katniss is experiencing significant loss and trauma and it’s blatantly coming though. Her breaking point is approaching quickly, and it is clearly demonstrated.

Seeing Peeta gradually degraded by the Capitol is heartbreaking. It seems so realistic and you can’t help but feel devastated for all of the characters of Panem. On a positive note, I love the little jabs at humor. Effie is a brilliant touch to the film; she adds so much light and humor to the story overall. The other subtle pieces, like Katniss asking to keep her cat and that little Haymitch and Effie conversation, is a wonderful addition and it is so nice to see. My personal favorite was when Katniss did that first propo. 100 percent Jennifer right there, just like the elevator scene from Catching Fire.

The addition of the new cast members, such as Natalie Dormer as Cressida and Evan Ross as Messalla, is a breath of fresh air. I adore Cressida and she’s one of my favorite characters. The rebel crew is a nice addition, but I hope to see more of them in part 2. As for Finnick, I wish he had a little bit more screen time, but that reunion with Annie at the end made up for it all. President Coin is much more likeable in this movie than the book. She appeared to be a tad disagreeable in the beginning, but she shares more of her personal thoughts and feelings with Katniss later on.

I loved seeing Katniss and Prim’s relationship grow. That is one of the things that started this whole series, and it’s what captured my interest from the first novel on. Their sisterly bond shines through and grows stronger now that Katniss is not in the Games anymore.

Gale and Katniss’ relationship really takes a turn. I enjoy seeing Gale taking on a larger part in this section of the saga, and I’m glad we get to know him a little better. Gale makes it clear that he knows Katniss loves Peeta, and he will never win her over. I feel a little sorry for him more now that we begin to see his sadness over war and the loss of his relationship with Katniss showing though.

My absolute favorite part in the movie was when Katniss dreams about Peeta. That was totally unexpected, since it was not in the book, and it was pure genius. Francis really wanted to push the undeniable bond of Katniss and Peeta, and that was his way of capturing that bond. It connected back to Catching Fire in the best way possible. I also loved the part when Katniss was hugging Haymitch because she was terrified that Gale and Peeta would never return. It brought me to tears; you can’t help but feel even more devastated for Katniss at this point.

The only slight issue I have with the film is one specific scene, and that is Peeta’s rescue. Being that it was alternated between that and Finnick’s propo, which was vital to the understanding of President Snow, it felt like a rush of information all at once. It was written that way in the novel, but readers did not have a first hand viewpoint of the rescue like the movie did.

As for the split, which was a point of huge anticipation, I love it. It gives the perfect amount of wanting more but also a bittersweet side. I had a feeling that it would end that way, with Katniss seeing Peeta in such an awful, awful state. The strangling scene was terrifying. It was much more violent than the book and I was in shock when I first saw that scene. It will never settle with me at how much Peeta changed in such a short amount of time.

Overall, Mockingjay Part 1 is significantly more focused on the psychological and emotional side of war, which I personally loved. The Hunger Games and Catching Fire films had an equal balance of action and emotion, and it appears that Mockingjay Part 1 has focussed more on that emotional side. Being that it has a more emotional component present, I enjoyed this movie more than the previous two. Every single person who worked on this film did an amazing job and it was everything that fans could’ve asked for.


I first and foremost I want to say that as a fan of the series I was very pleased with the movie. Yes, there were some changes, but overall it was very true to the book for me (I always go into book-to-movie adaptations with an open mind and know there will be changes).   

Effie today, Effie tomorrow,  Effie forever! The addition of her in district 13 added some much needed humor. Her "alterations" to 13's uniforms were fabulous.

The PEARL!!!!! I am so happy Peeta's pearl made it into the movie several times!!! Katniss rubbing the pearl really showed how much she is longing for Peeta. Side note: Why aren't they selling a Peeta's pearl replica at Hot Topic??!! Fangirls need it!!!

Not nearly enough Finnick in the movie for me, but I am guessing he will have more to do in part 2. The movie gave me a little more respect for Gale in general. I tend to get blinded by Everlark and forget Gale has had it pretty tough. He IS a hero.

Haymitch. He was his usual sarcastic self and also a little heart breaking. Telling Katniss she was really the only friend he had.

Peeta. I . Just. Can't. Josh did a fantastic job. The CGI department needs to win an award. The ending is painful to watch and I am not okay.

Katniss was strong and vulnerable. JLaw was completely convincing and the wig didn't bother me like I thought it would, LOL!

Honestly, I think all the actors were fabulous portraying the characters.  I think as a Fandom we should celebrate that the movies are made so well and don't come out cheesy and there really aren't any moments to cringe and be embarrassed about.

"The Hanging Tree" song is my new jam. JLaw is to modest.  She can sing!!! It was powerful to hear and watch the people in the districts rebel while singing the song.

So much about the movies (and obviously the books) makes me stop and think. People in the world are living some of these things. Opression, starvation, children fighting wars. It's very sobering. This movie is not a "feel good movie",  really none of them are. As with the books, there is the underlying sense of hope. I would think that if you haven't read the books it would be harder to see, but it is there. Hope IS stronger than fear!

I have read some reviews that say the movie is boring or slow, I disagree. They are definitely setting things up for Part 2, but that is how the book is written.  For me, when reading Mockingjay, it doesn't get really intense until Peeta is rescued. Having said that, the filmmakers do a great job of keeping things tense on the screen. I loved it. I am even more excited now for part 2! Only 360-something days to go!



If you can't get enough of the Mockingjay premiere be sure to check out Kelsi's post on her experiece winning the Samsung Ultimate Mockingjay Fan Contest and all about the trip she won to the Mockingjay Part 1 premiere HERE. Or check out our post on the Mockingjay Part 1 premiere in Los Angeles with all of the red carpet photos and videos of the cast HERE

Article originally appeared on Panem Propaganda (
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