Sam Claflin Participates in Q&A for 'The Quiet Ones'
Mon, March 31, 2014
Molly in Catching Fire Actors News, Mockingjay Cast, Sam Calflin, Sam Claflin, Sam Claflin Apple Store, Sam Claflin Quiet Ones Q&A, cast appearances, sam claflin quiet ones appearance, sam claflin the quiet ones Q&A apple store, sam claflin the quiet ones q&A

Sam all ready for his twitter Q&A with @FrightClubUKSam Claflin's new horror flick, The Quiet Ones, hits theaters on April 11th and he did a little twitter Q&A and made an appearance at the Apple Store in London today to promote it.

Sam at the Apple Store appearance in London

Sam, producer Simon Oakes and co-star Jared HarrisPhotos and Q&A transcript thanks to Sam Claflin Fans!

Twitter Q&A Hosted by @FrightClubUK:

@hutcher1997: How is preparing for this movie completely different to others you’ve previously filmed?
Sam: I had to research how to handle a camera, which I didn’t know about before.

@SamClaflin_IT: How was to play in a horror movie?
It was challenging, I got very familiar with my scared face!

@SamClaflinFans: What do you love the most about working in smaller production?
The intimacy of the cast and the crew – you all get to know each other a lot better!

@Melanie__SP: Why should we see this movie?
If you like to be scared – a very jumpy film that makes you think. It goes back to the classic route of Hammer.

@SamClaflin_IT: Can you describe the character of Brian in three words?
Non-believer, curious and reserved.

@SamClaflinFans: How would you describe the relationship between Brian and Professor Coupland?
It’s a tumultuous one – they have their ups and downs.

@RobHGHP: Who is the most interesting character in this movie for you?
It would have to be Harper (quiet, dangerous and beautiful)

@SamClaflinFans: Which scenes are you most looking forward to people to watch?
I’d say as we delve deeper into the scientific methods and experiments.

@HestIsBest: How successful do you think you’ve been in selling the idea that ghosts are something created only by our minds?
I’ve always been a non-believer but curious. The true story element opens up the debate.

@podcastd: Do you believe in ghosts and have you ever had a paranormal experience?
I’d love to have had one because I’m curious. I’ve had friends who have, and their stories interest me.

@hutcher1997: If you were in the same situation these university students are in, would you stay and film or bolt out of there?
I’d like to think that I’d stay there, but I have a feeling I’d bolt. It depends exactly how dangerious it is.

@atthebeach3: What sorts of things scare you the most?
The thought of losing someone that means a lot to me is what scares me most.

@catchingj0sh: Any funny moments on set?
Filming without sound effects and music, the director gave his impressions – which were always funny!

@kelsheewelshy: Any accidents during filming? Tripping on the stairs, running into a door?
Surpisingly not for me, which is rare – I’m usually the first to hurt myself!

@xol: After this is over, what other productions would you like to pursue?
I don’t have any expectations in mind.

@heyingridl: Which was the most difficult scene to shoot?
Any scene that required us to react to something that wasn’t there.

@heyingridl: If you had a theme song, what would it be?
Spice up your life!

@Love_Shrader: Hi Sam! Do you have any similarities with your character?
We’re both kind of reserved, non-believers but curious. He’s also a loving person. We also look quite similar.


Article originally appeared on Panem Propaganda (
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