The Rebels Strike Again! Beetee Hacks TheCapitol.PN & Tomorrow We Will Rise
Tue, August 5, 2014
Molly in Beetee, Lionsgate News, Mockingjay News, The, mockingjay, our leader the mockingjay

Beetee has been a very busy rebel this week. Yesterday, The Hunger Games social media accounts were taken over by the rebels and today they've hacked TheCapitol.PN

This message went out over The Hunger Games social media today:

It’s time we break apart the fist, grain, & shield. Find them & commence the “hunt-&-peck.”


When you head over to TheCapitol.PN's One Panem page and navigate to one of the symbols (Triumph, etc. press the diamond shaped button at the bottom under the words "One Panem") you can activate Beetee's message by typing in OLTM, Mockingjay, Katniss, Coin or Beetee. Alternatively, you can press the following keys for the reveal:

Click for full size.

The most important part of the message? Today we assemble. Tomorrow we will rise.

WHAT is happening tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th???? 


Thanks to our friends at and our follower @TheguyfromTV for decoding Beetee's message. 

Article originally appeared on Panem Propaganda (
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