Jennifer Lawrence Presents Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer with Milestone Award 
Sun, January 25, 2015
Molly in Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Lawrence, Lionsgate News, Mockingjay Cast, cast appearances, jennifer lawrence jon feltheimer, jennifer lawrence producers guild awards, jon feltheimer, pga awards, pga awards 2015 jennifer lawrence, producers guild awards 2015

Click all images for full sizeJennifer Lawrence presented Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer with the Milestone Award at last night's Producers Guild of America Awards. Looking like an angel in a gorgeous Prada dress, Lawrence won over the audience with her candor and humor. "I should have asked for a Xanax” she said before starting her into about Feltheimer, “When I heard they were giving him an award, I thought I was contractually obligated to show up. Then when I found out I wasn’t, well, I already picked out this dress.

See her full speech below:

Jennifer and Lionsgte CEO Jon Feltheimer

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