Josh Hutcherson Guest-Judges SyFy’s ‘FaceOff’
Wed, January 28, 2015
Kelsi Lynelle in Hunger Games makeup artist, Josh Hutcherson, Josh Hutcherson, Ve Neill, cast appearances, face off, glenn hetrick, josh hutcherson appearances, josh hutcherson face off, makeup, syfy

For those who don’t know, SyFy’s FaceOff is a competition series for up-and-coming makeup artists, with the contestants hoping to break out on the film makeup scene to create awesome character makeups in the movie industry. The Tuesday, January 27, 2015 episode of FaceOff featured Josh Hutcherson, our Peeta Mellark, as a guest judge. The show already includes Hunger Games makeup artist Ve Neill as a permanent fixture at the judging table. But as a guest judge, Josh got to offer his insight to the contestants’ makeup creations as well!

The episode began with the contestants entering an arena and approaching something like the cornucopia. Series host McKenzie Westmore and series judges Glenn Hetrick and Ve Neill were waiting for them. The competitors learned that for this challenge, they must play the role of Game-Makers and create a deadly creature by combining a dangerous plant with a wild animal! Ve Neill offered her advice of making the creations truly terrifying, like the dog-mutts from The Hunger Games. Then, McKenzie announced that superstar Josh Hutcherson would be the guest judge, so the pressure was on!

The contestants worked in teams of two for this HG themed challenge. Some of them struggled to create a character that was frightening, while others struggled to incorporate aspects of their plant and animal.

Then came the judging and our Hutch was rarin’ to go! When introduced at panel, the contestants clapped for Josh. He then started clapping, saying, “No, I clap for you! I’m just here to judge - you guys did all the hard work!” Josh also confessed that he is a huge fan of FaceOff, often binge-watching episodes.

As always, there were some beautiful character creations along with some that were not executed as well. 

When the judges took a closer look, Josh and the others noted many of the great aspects of each makeup. Josh acknowledged those who did truly menacing makeups, telling them, “I would run from that on set!” Ultimately, Josh provided some very well-spoken critiques and even comforted the contestant who was sent home, saying how he has been told ‘no’ many times in auditions and to not be disheartened by being sent home.

In case you happened to miss the episode, you can watch it On-Demand at, or simply by clicking here.


Article originally appeared on Panem Propaganda (
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