100 Days of Mockingjay Week 4 - Hunger Games Cosplay & More #CCTHG
Wed, September 2, 2015
Molly in 100 days of mj, 100 days of mockingjay, Catching Fire , Catching Fire Merchandise, Contests, Fan News, Giveaways, Jennifer Lawrence, Mockingjay Part 1 Merchandise, Mockingjay Part 2 Merchandise, The Hunger Games News, ccthg, hunger games cosplay, hunger games costumes, hunger games hair styles, hunger games make-up, hunger games nail art, the hunger games cosplay

The Hunger Games
 obviously isn’t a series about fashion, yet fashion definitely plays a part in the narrative. Consider the role that Katniss’ Mockingjay suit plays in the rebel propaganda, the fact that one of the most beloved characters (Cinna) is a stylist, and another (Effie) is one of the most sartorially original characters ever seen on-screen. The Capitol’s obsession with the ever-changing latest styles and body modification are a reoccuring theme throughout the trilogy, visually illustrating the divide between the districts and The Capitol.


Katniss cosplay by starbit cosplay

Effie cosplay by FLovett.

The Hunger Games books and movie franchise provide a rich spectrum of opportunity for the cosplayer, from District 12's spare and vintage looks to the full-on opulence of Capitol Couture. Over the years, we've seen every iteration of Katniss, oodles of Effies, a profusion of Peetas, they've all come to life in your cosplay.


Rhiannon's tattoo thanks to appraisingpages.com

The desire to adorn yourself in the spirit of The Hunger Games goes way beyond costumes. We've seen a multitude of gorgeous Hunger Games tattoos, beautiful nail art, amazing hairstyles and stunning Hunger Games-inspired make-up. There are so many different ways to creatively express your love of the series.

Mockingjay Nail art by NailedItInNZ

This week - Wed, Sept  2 - Tues, Sept 7 - is all about your version of Capitol Couture: Hunger Games cosplay, hair, make-up, nail art, tattoos, etc. Show us your cosplay pics! Or have you gone totally Capitol and modified your body with a Hunger Games tattoo? We’d love to see photos! Have you done crazy Capitol make-up, Hunger Games nails, or even a Katniss braid? This is the week to share those pics with us on social media with the hashtag #CCTHG.

With every new weekly theme comes a new GIVEAWAY. This week, in keeping with our cosplay theme we're giving you the chance to win a handknit Katniss cowl made by ChubbyChubs and a black Mockingjay pin. 

Enter the giveaway through the widget below this post ONLY. Giveaway ends Tuesday, Sept 8 at 8pm EST sharp. Good luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Article originally appeared on Panem Propaganda (https://www.panempropaganda.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.