The Hunger Games Inspires One Tribute To Reveal Her Inner Cinna
Wed, September 2, 2015
Molly in 100 days of mj, 100 days of mockingjay, Catching Fire , Cinna, Fan Creations, Fan News, The Hunger Games News, ccthg, hunger games cosplay, hunger games costume design, katniss cosplay, katniss costumes, thg cosplay

In 2011, I was first introduced to The Hunger Games by my friend. She kept telling me that she believed that I would really like it but I continually pushed it aside because she loved Twilight and I couldn't care less about it. At that time I had also decided I was intensely against popular books because I didn't want to be incredibly mainstream (lame, I know).

At the end of 2011, we had to read any book of our choice in English class so I gave in and chose The Hunger Games. During that hour in class I instantly became hooked. I read from the second I got home from school until around 7pm and finished the entire book. I couldn't wait to get Catching Fire and Mockingjay so I begged my dad to take me to the bookstore. Luckily it was a Friday so the entirety of Saturday was spent finishing Catching Fire and Sunday on Mockingjay straight through.

The Hunger Games reignited my love of reading and got me through my difficult freshman year. To me, Katniss meant strength and getting through whatever obstacles are thrown your way. The Hunger Games showed me that no matter what you should keep fighting because hope is stronger than fear. 

Not only did The Hunger Games reignite my love for reading, but at the start of high school I was beginning to realize my true passion was fashion and costume design. Looking through The Hunger Games, Cinna and the clothing he created undoubtedly made a large impact. Without him, Katniss wouldn't have been able to capture the large amount of attention she received. 

This past year, my senior year of high school, I drew up a ton of costume ideas for Katniss throughout the trilogy and even made one of the dresses I designed. I was inspired by the phrase 'Girl on Fire' as well as Katniss' fiery personality and illustrated an entire collection for it. By thinking of different objects associated with fire like sparks, embers, coal, smoke and of course flames, I was able to envision numerous possible outfits Katniss may have worn throughout her journey.


For the dress I created, I used my design for Katniss' dress in Catching Fire where she spins in her wedding dress and becomes the Mockingjay. I channeled bird like qualities in the dress using feathers and lace and by giving the illusion of wings with sheer gold fabric. Of course to match the pin itself, I added gold accents in the skirt. 

The Hunger Games has not only made me a greater, stronger person, but assisted in helping me try and become better at what I love to do. 

You can say hello to Sarita on twitter @SaritaRoseS  and instagram at @saritarose.

This week in our 100 Days of Mockingjay celebration we're talking about Hunger Games cosplay, tattoos, make-up, hair and nail art. Find out how you can participate on social media and enter our giveaway for a Katniss cowl and black Mockingjay pin HERE 
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