




Subway + 'Catching Fire' Promos and Contests Coming Soon

Looks like the Subway + Catching Fire promotional tie-ins will be ramping up very soon. Quarter Quell spotted some Catching Fire drink cups today, and Subway's own website has a landing page for a Catching Fire contest starting on October 31st. The contest, titled "Win Your Own Victory Tour," has some great looking prizes including a trip to the Catching Fire premiere in L.A. and a "VIP Concert Experience."

Subway is apparently "Where Victors Eat"

Stay tuned! We'll update you as soon as we know more.


VIDEO: Julianne Moore on 'Mockingjay.' "I love those books. I think Suzanne Collins is AMAZING!"

Julianne Moore spoke with The Hollywood Reporter while promoting her new movie Carrie, and she talked about why she signed on to the Mockingjay films and says "I love those books. I just love them. I think Suzanne Collins is AMAZING. They're AMAZING stories so I'm excited to be involved"



Elizabeth Banks on 'Catching Fire' and Effie's Over-The-Top Costumes

Elizabeth Banks was honored at Variety's 5th Annual Power of Women event for her work with the American Heart Association. She talked with Access Hollywood's Shaun Robinson about Catching Fire and Effie's couture costumes.



PHOTOS: 'Mockingjay Part 1' Production Set Up in Georgia

Rooftop battle scene in District 8?

The Upson Post, a "soon-to-launch" local newspaper from Thomaston, GA has posted some production photos of what they say is set-up for Mockingjay Part 1 to their facebook page. The photos were snapped at Martha Mills in Thomaston, a textile mill that was once one of the world's largest. Could this be a set-up for the battle in District 8?



Teen Vogue talks to Catching Fire Cast

Teen Vogue's latest issue includes an interview with Willow Shields, Jennifer Lawrence, and a small Q&A with both Jennifer and Sam Claflin.

Willow on learning to identify with Prim:
"My sister, Autumn, and I are twins [...], Shooting a dramatic scene like the reaping, I imagine it happening to Autumn in real life. Having a sister is very helpful for this role."

On Mockingjay:
"What Prim has to do in Mockingjay will be a real challenge. But I love a challenge."

The article is definitely worth checking out for the banter between Jen and Sam:

Sam: I first bumped into you at stunt training. Your archery put me to shame. I was quite intimidated.
Jen: By the sight of my face!
Sam: Yeah, it really put me off. 

Image courtesy of 

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New York Magazine's Interview with Francis Lawrence

New York Magazine published an article on the recent surge in popularity of the Young Adult genre. In addition to several others, Catching Fire director Francis Lawrence was included in those being interviewed - and of course, there are a couple bits about the upcoming film.

A few popular YA books have struggled recently as film adaptations, like Mortal Instruments and Beautiful Creatures. Why does Hunger Games work?
Author Suzanne Collins was raised in a military family, so she grew up learning about the consequences of war. Even though it’s sort of an alternate world, it’s still relatable.

You have all these pedigree actors coming in, from Philip Seymour Hoffman in Catching Fire to Julianne Moore in Mockingjay. You could have had no-name actors, and the fans would have accepted that.
If you can have Philip Seymour Hoffman, get Philip Seymour Hoffman! And he loved the books, so he signed on. Same with Jeffrey Wright. Same with Julianne. If you can just get those amazing actors, then that’s 80 percent of my job.

The first film skimped a little on showing us the strategy behind the Katniss-Peeta love story. 
I felt the same. I felt the love story in general was, um, a bit buried in the first one. I wanted to bring the love story to the surface. And when I say love story, I mean the triangle.


Jennifer Lawrence in Bazaar UK - The Full Interview

Jennifer Lawrence is Harper's Bazaar UK's November covergirl. Until you can get your hands on a copy, we've got the full, perfectly Jen-tastic article for you here:

My one worry, in advance of meeting Jennifer Lawrence, is that someone has told her to clean up her act. Sure, it was OK for the young ingénue to go on the Late Show with David Letterman and compare herself to a cat peeing on the red carpet. It was endearing when, upon ascending the podium to collect her Oscar for Silver Linings Playbook, she tripped over her dress, recovering with point-blank honesty - ‘You guys are only standing up because I fell and you feel bad’ - and then gave everyone in the press room the finger. But it felt too good to last. Somehow, the forces of PR-regulated piety would have descended on the poor girl and drummed all that out of her.

Indeed, in preparation for The Hunger Games, she was given media training — how to make more eye contact, regulate the volume of her voice and rein in the nervous laughter — and during the Oscars someone (she won’t say who) told her to tone it down. “Other people are getting up and owning the stage and you sound like a stuttering idiot. Pull it together.” And I said, “I’m not doing it on purpose, I’m uncomfortable and when people get uncomfortable they resort to their shit. I make awkward jokes and stutter.”’ She winces a little. ‘That was actually a moment when I really wanted it to be special. That was not the time I wanted to be the Down-Home Girl. I wanted to be graceful.’

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New 'Catching Fire' Stills

Some brand spankin' new Catching Fire stills showed up today on the facebook page of The Hunger Games Peru! Check them out!

 Thanks to Real or Not Real News for the tip!