




New Still of Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen in Mockingjay Part 2 + Sam Claflin Interview in total Film

Click for larger size

There's a beautiful and intense new Mockingjay Part 2 still of Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss and a short blurb about the film in Total Film's Winter Preview Edition.

Click for full sizeThere's also a cute little interview with Sam Claflin where they pose film quotes to him as questions. Oh, to have been a fly on the wall at that that infamous old lady strip club....

Click for full size


New Still of Woody Harrelson in 'Mockingjay Part 2'

Click for full size

VMAN Magazine's Issue #34 contains a great never-before-seen behind the scenes photo of Woody Harrelson in Mockingjay Part 2!

The copy reads:

Francis Lawrence on Woody Harrelson

I was at dinner when I received a photo of a horribly bloodied Woody on my phone. He had wrecked on his bicycle in some gravel and was in horrible shape. We were in the middle of shooting Mockingjay and he had a scene the next day but his face was damaged. I called immediately and he sounded horrible – weak, worried and a bit blurry. I was truly worried for him and desperately urged him to go to the hospital. There was a moment of silence and then I heard that amazing Woody laugh. It was a joke that he and our makeup team had devised. None of it was real but I bought it. I bought it because he brought the same talent to that joke as he does to his performances. He finds a truth and fills it with vulnerability, unpredictability, gravity and mischief: the perfect ingredients for a great actor (and also a really great joke).

Huge thanks to our follower @RonnieLauth for initially finding this photo and posting the LQ version to twitter! It took quite a while to unearth the actual magazine it was from and then figure out where to purchase and download it. 


Enter To Win a Trip to the 'Mockingjay Part 2' Premiere in London

The Mockingjay Part 2 premiere sweepstakes are starting! Sony Xperia Lounge is giving away a trip for 2 to the London premiere on November 5th, including international flights, hotel, spending money and more. This sweeps is open to international tributes excluding Australia, Brazil and Italy. Sorry, guys. 

Head to Sony Xperia Lounge, sign in, and answer the following question:

Who plays the part of Commander Lyme in the franchise?

Elizabeth Banks

Gwendoline Christie

Natalie Dormer

The winner will be the 20,000th person who submits a valid entry and correctly answers the competition question. You MUST go to Sony Xperia Lounge to enterkids. The giveaway is sponsored soley by them, NOT US!  

Good luck!



'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2' Most Anticipated Fall Release Ever 

According to Variety and consumer tracking company Piedmont Media Research, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 is the most hotly anticipated upcoming release. Piedmont polled 3,000 people about upcoming fall movies and both Mockingjay Part 2 and Star Wars: The Force Awakens were some of the highest ratings Piedmont has recorded since it began polling audiences five years ago.

The company rates consumer engagement on a scale of zero to 1,000, and the fourth and final Hunger Games installment had a 514 rating, beating last summer’s Avengers: Age of Ultron and its score of 509, as the best overall number it has ever recorded.

The Star Wars sequel posted a 495 rating, the third best figure since Piedmont began its surveys. It also had the best score among males that Piedmont has seen with 553. Females also are looking forward to the film, with their interest level hitting 383.

“Those are huge numbers,” said Joshua Lynn, president of Piedmont Media Research. “Every demographic is showing up for this.”

Variety noted that the people surveyed were selected to be demographically representative of the movie-going public in terms of age, gender, ticket-buying behavior and ethnicity. Piedmont also tries to quantify the impact that a film’s cast has on audiences. It polls people to find out if their interest rises or falls when a particular concept is matched to an actor and filmmaking team.

We'll see if those 3000 people were truly representative of the population come November! 


The Toys Are Coming! New Katniss and Peeta Barbies and Hunger Games Funko Pops On The Way

The toys are coming!! It's like Christmas today in The Hunger Games fandom. TheDollGenie posted a great sneak peek of the Mockingjay Part 2 Katniss and Peeta Barbies today. The Katniss doll is now IN STOCK at

Our follower @TechnaDeschanel shared a photo of a new President Snow Funko Pop doll with us , matching a listing of Hunger Games Pops we got earlier (Below). The toy store Kokomo Toys says they'll be selling President Snow in their ebay store starting on Monday, Sept 28th.

Image via Funko Pop HuntersIt looks like we'll be getting an Effie, a Peeta, and 4 different Katniss pops as well. Word is there may be an exclusive Katniss pop released at New York Comic Con October 8-11. Funko has released wave 1 and 2 of their NYCC exclusives as of today, with new waves releasing daily so stay tuned! 


Special thanks to Funko Pop Hunters, @TechnaDeschanel and


The Essential Everlark: 50 Influential Works of Fanfiction

Guest Post by Caryn (papofglencoe on tumblr)


Over the past several weeks, readers and authors of Everlark fanfiction were surveyed on what they think the most influential fics in the fandom are. The following works appear in alphabetical order by title name and directly reflect the results of that vote. Links to each story are included or, when unavailable, links are given to other works by the author.  

Thank you to everyone who voted, and happy Hunger Games reading!

(Number crunching and gif by papofglencoe.)


A Favorable Wind by Court81981

A Softer Place to Land by SoThere

All the President’s Men by authoresskika

Alone in a Crowded Room by Wollaston and Pompeiigraffiti

Anywhere I Would Have Followed You by dracoisalooker76

Best Man by C-r-roberts

Bliss by Dustwriter

Butterflies by misshoneywell

Crash My Party by Court81981

Degrees of Separation by Loueze

Drifting Between Grey and Blue by sponsormusings

Eggshells by Amelia_Day**

Elasticity by TwoPisces

Five Loaves of Bread: Dark Toast by aimmyarrowshigh (series)

For the Movies by acciograce

Girls Night Out by Sohypothetically

Good Again by titania522

Grow Together by Miss Scarlett 05

Have Heart, My Dear by monroeslittle

Heartsick by misshoneywell

Hero of the Story by atetheredmind

Hotel Paper by katomass

Knot Your Fingers Through Mine by monroeslittle

Legend by HGRomance

My First Date with Katniss Everdeen by holymfwickee

My Last Breath/Come Rain or Come Shine by ArthursCamelot

No Surprises by Nonemoreblack

Not In Our Favor by TwilightCakes

Range of Motion by Fnurfnur

Rebel by HGRomance

Refuge by DustWriter

Reviving Romance by DandelionSunset

Sever by DandelionSunset

Synchronicity by Everlark_Pearl

The Ashes of District Twelve by Silvercistern (series)

The Bucket List by Meadowlark27

The Education of Peeta Mellark by atetheredmind

The First Time by annieoakley1

The Golden Mean by Fernwithy

The Green and the Gold by salanderjade

The Luxury and the Necessity by Devanrae

The Mating Games by ktface3

The Miner’s Wife by MockingJayFlyingFree

The Road to Recovery by Jamiesommers

The Unrecorded Hours by hollycomb

Two Wrongs by JLaLa

Voyeurs by atetheredmind

Waterlily by HGromance

When the Moon Fell in Love with the Sun by Porchwood/Mejhiren

With Eyes To Hear by Amelia_Day** 

Worse Games to Play by Belmione


**These works have been pulled by the author and are currently unavailable.


A Peek at Tim Palen: Photographs from The Hunger Games Ultimate Collection 

We have our first peek at Tim Palen: Photographs from The Hunger Games Ultimate Collection, the luxury edition of the book Tim Palen: Photographs from The Hunger Games. The publication of Tim Palen: Photographs from the Hunger Games was so well received, that publisher Assouline decided to make an Ultimate Edition of the book to meet the demands of their high-end collectors. 


Only 350 copies have been made of this oversized hand-bound leather book that includes 11 never-before seen images and an archival print of the cover image signed by Tim Palen.  

Dimensions are 14 x 17 inches, 144 pages, 108 total images.

The book is currently listed at $540.00 on amazon. But what you should know is that Lionsgate’s proceeds from the sale of the books will go to the World Food Program and Feeding America

They'll also be giving an Ultimate Edition of the book away to 5 lucky fans! Get excited, people!! We'll update you with the giveaway details as soon as they're announced. 

Here's the official description:

In exclusive collaboration with Lionsgate, Assouline presents Tim Palen: Photographs from The Hunger Games. Compiled in one deluxe volume, Palen's evocative and powerful portraits capture each character from the series with striking intimacy and transform the high-octane adventure of the films into exquisite visual art. Through Palen's unique lens, Katniss, Peeta, and the citizens of Panem become icons, immortalized as the beloved characters the world has embraced. Photographs by Tim Palen. Comes in luxurious clamshell case, limited numbered edition of just 300 copies, includes art print and exclusive never before seen photography from Mockingjay Part 2.

Only 300 copies. Save your pennies (and nickels and dimes and hundreds). The book will be released October 27th but you can pre-order it now on amazon


The SS Hunger Games: Shipping and Fan Fiction in The Hunger Games Universe


Guest Post by Amy (aka MuttPeeta on Tumblr)

It’s normally considered pretty pedestrian to begin an essay with a dictionary definition, but in the world of fandom, the word shipping has gotten quite a boost in credibility thanks to its recent induction into reputable sources like the Oxford English Dictionary. (Which, incidentally, now defines ship as to “support or have a particular interest in a romantic pairing between two characters in a fictional series”—sorry, couldn’t resist.)

Of course, shipping these days isn’t limited to fictional characters, and it also encompasses relationships between two people that aren’t even canon (for the uninitiated, canon is what’s deemed official according to the original source material.) And there’s probably no more prevalent exploration of ships than in fanfiction.

Fanfiction and shipping go hand-in-hand. It’s kind of impossible to talk about one without the other. While fanfiction is a sort of homage to a work–a book or TV show or movie–and a way to explore that fictional universes you’ve fallen in love with, it’s also a way to delve into the fictional relationships you cherish from that fandom. More often than not, you’re writing about your OTP, or One True Pair, which is, simply put, the ship to end all ships.

I will go down with this ship

In Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games series, there’s no more important ship than Everlark (or, if you’re a heathen, Peeniss), which denotes the pairing of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. (Sorry, Galeniss shippers.) The majority of fics, and a good chunk of fanart, center on Everlark. They’re endgame, as our blessed queen Suzanne Collins has decreed in Mockingjay.

As an Everlark shipper and peddler of Everlark fics, I’m probably a wee bit biased, but I can’t think of a more perfect ship than these two. Suzanne Collins wrote two wonderfully complex characters who complement each other beautifully, in their convictions and beliefs, in their humor and compassion, and in their vulnerabilities and flaws.

Galeniss, or Everthorne, (Katniss Everdeen and Gale Hawthorne) is a less popular ship, but it’s the second most talked about ship of the series’ love triangle, at least if you buy into what the media is selling. Then there’s Odesta (Finnick Odair and Annie Cresta), Hayffie (Haymitch Abernathy and Effie Trinket), Hayhanna (Johanna Mason and Haymitch), Jonnick (Johanna and Finnick)–and I think anything beyond that is slipping into the territory of crack ships, or a pairing that is highly unlikely to occur–no insult intended to these other shippers, of course.

All’s fair in love and war

Fandom is generally a fun, welcoming space for fans, but you can always count on a level of discord between the ship factions. It’s inevitable. In The Hunger Games fandom, it’s usually, always, the Everlark shippers and the Galeniss shippers waging war on each other.

What’s canon doesn’t necessarily have any bearing on who someone ships in a fandom, and likewise, it’s often irrelevant and ineffective in diffusing fandom tensions when shippers are defending their OTPs. And shippers can getheated when it comes to their OTPs. You’ll probably never find a more passionate discussion than when fans are defending their favorite characters and ships.

Fanfiction 101

Fanfiction has never been more widely accepted than it is today. The general population probably still regards fanfiction with a certain level of derision–as even some authors and creators of fandoms do–but many writers are now using their fanfics as launching pads for their own professional writing careers (as reviled as “Fifty Shades of Grey” is, I suppose we owe a begrudging tip of the hat to E.L. James for that one).

So, what goes into writing fanfiction, aside from our probably literal blood, sweat and tears? How do we categorize it? On a basic level, we divide fanfiction into canon and AU (alternate universe): fics that fall into the canon timeline, or fics that reject that timeline and set themselves in different universes entirely. These can be modern (a very popular favorite of fic writers), crossovers (where you take the characters of one fandom and set them in the universe of another work), and even canon-divergent (which walks the line between AU and canon, where your story takes place in canon but explores something that hasn’t actually happened).

There’s a world of AUs to explore, the sky’s the limit, really, but we’ll stop there before going too far down that rabbit hole. That doesn’t even touch on the plethora of fanfiction genres: angst, fluff (which are stories with light, cutesy situations or moments, sometimes without any real plot, usually between your ship of choice), dark (fics where the story or characters are “darker” or more evil than canon), slash (contains, often non-canonical, homosexual pairings) and, the holy grail of fics–if you ask me–smut, stories with graphic sex scenes. Regrettably, The Powers That Be often deny us fans sex between our OTPs, so turning to fanfiction to either read or write about your OTP doing it is often our only recourse.

Somewhere only we know

Honestly, I don’t think there’s a bigger cornerstone of fandom than fanfiction. Before social media, fanfiction forums like were the meeting places for fans of a series or work. It’s where you found common ground with other fans, who wanted to see more from their OTPs or who couldn’t let the universe and the characters go, who dreamed up headcanons (personal beliefs not necessarily stated in canon but in some way supported by the original work) and needed to share them with like-minded fans.

Fanfiction creates community, a place you can belong. Today, it continues to do that on places like tumblr, where we not only share stories, but fanart, fan edits and gifsets (images and gifs taken from movies or TV shows), and even our personal lives.

Fandom isn’t always enjoyable. The anonymity of the internet combined with the intensity of our passion for our favorite characters and ships, can create a rather inhospitable environment sometimes. (A lot of times, if you’ve been around long enough.)

But despite that, fanfiction brings an immeasurable enjoyment to readers and writers alike, inspires valuable works of art, bonds us together, and ties binds that, if we’re lucky, will endure long after our place in fandom has faded.

Be sure to visit Amy on tumblr where she goes by MuttPeeta and check out her incredible fan fic on A03 where she goes by atetheredmind.


Enter this week's giveaway for a Mockingjay graffiti hoodie and black mockingjay pin HERE

Read "A Celebration of Everlark Fan Fiction" HERE