




Show the Love for Your #THGBFF + Enter The Giveaway - 100 Days of Mockingjay Week 2

This week in our 100 Days of Mockingjay celebration it’s all about your Hunger Games fandom friendships - your THG BFFs. Who is your THG BFF? Do you have more than one? A whole crew? Did you meet your significant other in The Hunger Games fandom? Get inspired by reading Kelly’s post about what THG fandom friendships mean HERE.

Within The Hunger Games books and films, there are many meaningful friendships and platonic relationships. Think about Katniss’ relationships with Prim, Rue, Cinna, Effie, Haymitch, Madge, her long-standing friendship with Gale. Katniss says, “I've never been very good at friends.” Yet those friendships help her cope time and time again.

There are a few THG BFFs within The Hunger Games cast too! We all know (and love) the special friendship Jennifer Lawrence, and Josh Hutcherson share. They are about the best thing to happen to any press tour, ever. Jennifer says of both Josh and co-star Liam Hemsworth, “They are my best friends.” And both actors have said the same of her in countless interviews. We'll also be celebrating cast friendships this week. 

This week, show the love for your Hunger Games squad by snapping a photo and posting it with the hashtag #THGBFF and you might see yourselves in one of our #THGBFF galleries across social media.

You can also share your edit, gifset or fanart about The Hunger Games cast or character friendships and tag it #THGBFF. We'll share some of our favorites throughout the week. 

THG BFF Giveaway

Sharing is Caring. This week, one winner will take home a pair of NEW black Mockingjay pins, a pair of Mockingjay Part 2 pins from Comic Con and a pair of Mockingjay earring sets. One to keep, and one set to share with your BFF, obvs.

The giveaway is a RANDOM drawing. You must enter through the widget below to qualify. Sharing on social media isn't required to win or part of the giveaway selection - it's just for fun!

2 Mockingjay Part 2 pins - Comic Con edition

2 Black Mockingjay pins

2 sets of Mockingjay pierced earrings (3 pairs per pkg)

The giveaway is open to international tributes and runs from August 19th until Tuesday, August 25th at 8:00pm EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway  


Fandom Friendships - The "100 Days of Mockingjay" Week 2 Theme - #THGBFF

As we found out last week, The Hunger Games is much more to our fandom than a series of novels or a movie franchise. We were OVERWHELMED, in the best way possible, by the outpouring of emotional, heartfelt, funny and interesting stories we you wrote to us last week on our site and all across social media. Read all about last week’s feature, “Your THG Story” here.

Our fandom is also a place where many of you have created close and lasting bonds with other tributes - your THG BFFs. Kelly Rivera (AKA allhailthehutch on tumblr) introduces you to our "100 Days of MJ" Week 2 feature #THGBFF and what fandom friendships mean to her:

How many of us can say that we've made lasting friendships because of our love for The Hunger Games? We've created unbreakable bonds because of our love for this amazing series. There's always someone to freak out over it. There's always someone to cry with about new trailers or stills. It's your THG BFF.

I've made many friends because of this incredible series, and I want to talk about it a little bit. We only have a few months left, and it's time to really soak in all the important memories.

I met my best friend because of The Hunger Games. I know I can't be the only one one. It's important to have people you can share the love with. That's your THG BFF.

When the last trailer came out, I was busy messaging so many of my THG BFFs, and we were freaking out and YELLING IN ALL CAPS. Those are moments that I will always remember. It's not just the fan moments that make a good friendship. When you have a bad day, they are there for you. It's a special bond that should be cherished.

I've traveled across the country to meet the friends that I've made in The Hunger Games fandom. I've cried with them, laughed with them. We've made the best out of the last few years, and I don't want to see it end. The movies may be ending, but the friendships won't be. We will always have one another and we can share new memories.

I wish I could name all the friends that I've made in The Hunger Games fandom, but I don't want to leave anyone out. You all know who you are. I'm thankful that these books and movies have brought such joy to my life in the way of friendships. Now is the time to appreciate your friends. Tell your stories.

When I've been so low, all my friends were there for me. Sometimes all you have to do is have an in depth talk about Peeta Mellark and why he is the definition of perfect. That's why it's important to have a THG BFF. You need someone in your life who understands what's in your heart.

Cherish the friendships and the memories. Make the most out of this time. We have so much fun stuff coming up in the next few months. I'll be heading to NYC to enjoy the final movie with some of my best friends. I hope that you all get the chance to do the same.


If you are a fan of Josh Hutcherson and you aren't following allhailthehutch on tumblr you're just wrong. You can also kind Kelly on twitter at @kellywithayy.


100 Days of Mockingjay - Amber's THG Story

Week 1 of our "100 Days of Mockingjay" celebration is all about Your THG Story. Read about how to contribute yours and enter our giveaway here.

Amber is one of the writers here at PanemPropaganda and one of the contributors to our Facebook page. Here's Amber's THG Story:

So you guys remember that book Twilight everybody loved a few years ago? I am going to totally out myself here, but I came to THG Fandom via (gasp!) The Twilight fandom. I know, I know. Everybody hates Twilight. The thing is the author of the Twilight series highly recommended The Hunger Games on her Web page and well, Twilight kinda was my reawakening to the fact that I loved to read. Flash back to 2009, here I am, a stay-at-home mom skulking around the YA section desperate for something to make me want to read like Twilight did. I didn't want to read "another book like Twilight" and I gave into Mrs. Meyer's suggestion and purchased THG......and I was absolutely amazed.  It was unlike anything I ever read.  Every chapter was a cliffhanger. I purchased Catching Fire and tore through it only to find out that I had to wait over half a year for Mockingjay (can you imagine the torture of waiting that long?!). 

After finally reading Mockingjay I can remember just sitting there not knowing how to feel. I am a "happy ending" kind of girl and this was such a departure for me. A few months later I reread the series in its entirety and everything just clicked. Katniss was just a girl thrown into this crazy situation. She was selfish at times, but she became selfless. She was real. Peeta was an example of the type of person I would like to strive to be. Kind, compassionate and loving, despite hardships. Their story is possibly one of the most powerful stories I have ever read. These books about "kids killing kids" serves as a possible warning and a lesson....a lesson about HOPE.
When they announced they were making them into movies, I was thrilled. I started to push everyone I know into reading the books, including my husband (who doesn't like to read for fun). Behold, he read them and enjoyed them ( babe, I told you so!)!  It was so cool to sit down and discuss them with him. Something we hadn't done before.
I went to the midnight premieres, I watched multiple times at the theaters, I even started to host DVD parties as the movies came out. There truly is something different about THG fandom, it reaches so many people, from all walks of life.
I am kind of an introvert and it has given me a way to start talking to more people. A common ground I didn't feel I had before. So, even though I came from the Twilight fandom (and I still love Twilight, shhhh), I feel like The Hunger Games series is one of the most powerful, thought provoking things I have ever read. It's true, I have become obsessed. And when you are obsessed you totally reach out to the coolest fandom page and tell them how obsessed you are.....and then that fandom page asks if you want to help, and you pass out. :-)
They say (whoever "they" are) a great story stays with you.....The Hunger Games will always be a part of me. For me it will always be a symbol of hope. 


You can follow Amber on twitter @AmberHRailey. Check out Amber's art at MommyPaints


Josh Hutcherson, Jennifer Lawrence and 'Mockingjay Part 1' Win Teen Choice Awards

Josh Hutcherson took home Choice Movie Actor Sci-Fi/Fantasy for Mockingjay Part 1 and Mockingjay Part 1 also won Choice Movie: Sci-Fi/Fantasy at the 2015 FOX Teen Choice Awards last night in Los Angeles.

Josh gave a big shout-out to The Hunger Games fans during his acceptance speech:

The Hunger Games has been a huge part of my life for the past… Almost 5 years now and it’s coming to an end, and it’s really sad. So if we wanna cry together, we can do that, and it breaks my heart, because these movies have been the best to me. The cast, the crew, this is like, 400 people that make every one of these movies, so, this award goes to them, because there’s a lot of people who don’t get recognition for their hard work; visual effects, special effects, hair and make-up, wardrobe, stunts, grips, electricians, everybody! So I share this with them, I share this with you guys, because throughout all this madness, the fans have always been the backbone, and made me wanna keep going. So, I appreciate it, and thank you guys very much.

Jennifer Lawrence won Choice Movie Actress Sci-Fi/Fantasy for Katniss in Mockingjay Part 1 but didn't attend the awards.  

Willow Shields also attended the awards last night. She is turning into such a little fashion icon. Go Willow! 


100 Days of Mockingjay - Angie's THG Story

Week 1 of our "100 Days of Mockingjay" celebration is all about Your THG Story. Read about how to contribute yours here.

Angie is one of the writers here at PanemPropaganda and one of the contributors to our Facebook page. Here's Angie's THG Story:
Angie at THG Exhibition in NYC
I remember being at a movie and seeing the trailer for the first Hunger Games and wondering what it was all about. One of my fandoms was soon coming to an end at the time, and so I was a bit sad and had a hard time reading anything else. My friend Melissa and my daughter suggested I read the series. My daughter is a HUGE fan. I wanted to read the book before the first movie came out, so I gave it a go. It sucked me in. I wasn't expecting that to happen with any other series. Yes, the subject matter was tough to get through. Especially being a mother myself, it was hard to grasp the whole concept of the reaping, the children, the parents sending their children off and may not see them again. Whoa..... it was heartbreaking. There were times I had to remind myself that "it's only a book", because I would get so emotional. 
I immediately fell in love with the characters. Katniss and Peeta. So young and having to make very serious, adult decisions. To me, Katniss is a beacon not only of hope, but that you and I can make a difference. A woman, even a young girl, can be heard. Our voices are important, and we must stand up for those who can't do it for themselves. "Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes."

This series has also directed me to Panem Propaganda, which I absolutely love contributing to,  and to some great friends that I'm so happy to know. I love them. I love THG. And I'm proud of it. *3 Finger Salute*

You can follow Angie on twitter at @Angiepro4.



Happy Birthday Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence, our perfect Katniss, our favorite goofball, our imaginary BFF, and ACADEMY AWARD WINNER turns 25 today. From all of us at PanemPropaganda, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JEN! 

100 Days of Mockingjay - Chelsea's THG Story

Week 1 of our 100 Days of Mockingjay celebration is all about Your THG Story. Read about how to contribute yours here.

Chelsea is one of the rays of light in the fandom. She's always positive, supportive and engaging with other fans. Here's her THG Story:

The Effect She Has

Like Katniss, I never wanted to be in the Games. I didn’t know much about The Hunger Games, but I saw commercials for a movie starring people in blue hair and children fighting. I didn’t know enough to get the hype. My co-workers kept telling me that with my long hair intricately braided I looked like Katniss. What was a Katniss? It sounded like an infection… and in some ways it was.

I watched the first movie and instantly became hooked. Being a part of the Harry Potter fandom, I knew how consuming a book series could be, but I couldn’t help myself. I went through all three books in a week and was delighted to hear that Catching Fire was still in the theaters. All of the actors in the franchise have played their character’s beautifully, but none more than Jennifer Lawrence. Every emotion that Katniss has is believable. Every action purposeful. She is Katniss Everdeen.

The decision to be a part of the fandom was not what I intended but just as Katniss did, I volunteered. There was no other option but to become a tribute. I was intrigued by the ideas of strength, hope, power, and love that are so prevalent throughout the series. The Hunger Games has taken its readers into the nucleus of war in a way that forces us to see that each decision we make will lead to very real consequences. We all can’t save the world, but The Hunger Games teaches us that we have power within ourselves. We don’t have to accept the fate we are given. We are strong and we have a voice to use.

Last November, I was fortunate enough to win a trip to the premiere of Mockingjay Part 1. I had written a poem from Katniss’ point-of-view and to this day I still can’t believe I was given the opportunity. It was one of the most amazing experiences in my life. I met fellow fans, tributes, who were kind and caring and who have become my very close friends. I then met some of my idols on the red carpet. They were so incredibly gracious and I will cherish the pictures and memories I have with them forever.

Today marks 98 days until Mockingjay Part 2 is released in theaters. We are on the cusp of something incredible and we, the fandom, will not go quietly. This series is not a fad. It is not something that will be forgotten about in a few years. It matters. The stories, the characters, the actors—they all matter.

Thanks to Twitter, Tumblr, and all other forms of social media, we will continue loving all aspects of The Hunger Games. We will continue our friendships with wonderful people and continue to admire the amazing cast. We will write about our “Ships” and honor the fallen. We will share our fan art and celebrate the beautiful stories. The three-finger salute will be seen around the world and fan screams will not quiet. Thanks to Suzanne Collins and the cast/crew of the franchise, our fires will burn forever.

Follow Chelsea on twitter at @chelseab343.

And be sure to enter our week one GIVEAWAY here. You could win a black mockingjay pin and a mockingjay journal! 


100 Days of Mockingjay - Kendal's THG Story

Week 1 of our 100 Days of Mockingjay celebration is all about Your THG Story. Read about how to contribute yours here.

Kendal is one of the writers here at PanemPropaganda and co-manages our instagram account. Here's her THG Story:

When I first heard about The Hunger Games, I was a 14-year-old eighth grader. Through my eighth grade year, I heard small tidbits of information about the trilogy through friends and family members. It wasn't until I was fifteen, however, that I completely dove into Katniss' story and my obsession began.

My story seems backward to most people since I did things in reverse order. A few days after Catching Fire was released in theaters, I went with two of my friends to go see it (after they begged me to come and practically dragged me out my front door!). Up to that point, I hadn't read the books or watched the first Hunger Games movie...pretty backward, right?

Sitting in the theater, I wasn't sure if I would enjoy the movie.  But watching Katniss and Peeta grow closer together while fighting to protect those they love, AND trying to stop a rebellion from starting all at the same time, was captivating. I felt as if I was personally feeling every emotion Katniss experienced on screen (thanks to Jennifer's amazing acting). So, when the movie ended, I went home and researched where to find the books and the first movie.

A few weeks later, I had read the whole trilogy, watched both movies, and was buying as much merchandise as could definitely say my obsession was beginning. Reading the books helped me understand Katniss more, and I realized we handle stressful and emotional situations in very similar ways. I find myself applying Katniss' ideas and emotions into situations I experience many times a day, and doing so helps me grow even closer to the trilogy. Making a Twitter account dedicated to the trilogy (@jennifer_thg) and joining Panem Propaganda has helped me meet many friends and amazing people who share my love for The Hunger Games.

Meeting people from all over the world through this trilogy is something I never expected that day when I saw Catching Fire for the first time, but I'm so thankful that I did. I might not have done things in the correct order (read the books first, and then the movies), but I'm so glad my friends convinced me that day to go to the movies. Everyone has a The Hunger Games story, and I (and all of us here at Panem Propaganda) can't wait to hear them all during our 100 Days of Mockingjay Countdown.

Follow Kendal on twitter @jennifer_thg.
And be sure to enter our week one GIVEAWAY here. You could win a black mockingjay pin and a mockingjay journal!