




New 'Mockingjay Part 1' Still

Click for FULL SIZE

A new still from Mockingjay Part 1 has surfaced online.  The still features Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen and Elizabeth Banks as Effie Trinket. You can see Effie's schedule printed on her arm in this picture. A lot of people (including those of us at PP) noticed the schedule printed on Finnick's arm in the movie too.

According to Francis Lawrence, a lot more was shot than was used in Mockingjay Part 1 compared to Catching Fire, so hopefully we'll see more about this detail in the deleted scenes when the DVD comes out! 


Jennifer Lawrence Supports The Louisville Cardinals

 Jennifer Lawrence throws up the L at the big game thanks to Scott Utterback on twitter

Jennifer Lawrence came out in support of her beloved Louisville Cardinals basketball team yesterday. Unfortunately, her support didn't bring the Cardinals a win; they lost 58-50 against the Kentucky Wildcats. But we did get to see a lot of great photos of Jen with her family and fans. It looks like she had a great time! 

Jen cheers with the hometown crowd thanks to Jonathan Palmer on twitter

Photo thanks to Sports Illustrated on twitter

Photo above and the photos below courtesy Terry Meiners on Facebook

Jen with her mom, dad, her brother Ben, and Terry Meiniers


Happy Holidays From Panem Propaganda

Happy Holidays from your pals at Panem Propaganda! Wherever you are, and whatever you celebrate, we wish you peace, love, and happiness. 

As we take a few days to spend with our loved ones, we also look forward to 2015, and an exciting year bringing you everything from the world of The Hunger Games, Panem, and Mockingjay Part 2 (330 days! )

We wouldn't be here without your love and support. So, thanks to all of you for everything you've contributed to Panem Propaganda over the last almost THREE years. Wow! 

May your days be merry and bright! 

Molly, Dan, Angie, Amber, Elise, Kelsi and Kendal from Panem Propaganda


Natalie Dormer on Jennifer Lawrence and Katniss Everdeen "There are not enough role models like her"

Natalie Dormer spoke with Marie Claire UK recently, and had a few lovely things to say about Jennifer Lawrence, Katniss Everdeen, and working with some of her biggest inspirations on the Mockingjay set:

Believe the hype about Jennifer Lawrence. She is blazing a trail for her generation and she is everything that her reputation predicts – boyant, fun, full of energy, and that filters down from the top. It was the same with [executive producers] David Benioff and DB Weiss on Game of Thrones. If you have strong leaders, in any working environment, it trickles down.

Katniss Everdeen has worked wonders for women. It’s wonderful that a strong, three-dimensional female character – whose personality isn’t always palatable - has had the box office reaction that she’s had. There are not enough role models like her. You could argue that TV is leading the way with interesting, multi-faceted female roles with shows like VeepAmerican Horror StoryGirls and Orange is the New Black. That can happen with film too. Look back to all the classic Hitchcock thrillers. We just need a renaissance.

Jennifer and Natalie at the 'Mockingjay Part 1' Los Angeles premiere

My inspirations? It would be impossible to choose just one. My first job was with Jeremy Irons. Then there was Ridley Scott, Ron Howard, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Woody Harrleson – I was shooting with him when I was in the middle of watching True Detective and it took everything I had to stop myself pestering him with questions about it. Oh and Julianne Moore – such a talented actress. I’m like a magpie, I take a little something from everyone I work with.


Fan Made Friday 

It's that time again, tributes. Another Fan Made Friday is here. This time we're featuring some amazing fan videos, and some gorgeous fan art you may have missed.

Click for larger imageThe first piece is Katniss drawn in chalk by New York-based illustrator Katie Payne. You can visit her site to see more of her lovely work, and definitely follow her instagram at @onekatie

Grab a tissue. No, grab TWO boxes of tissue! This fan-made Mockingjay Epilogue video made by MetroGirlzStation had us crying at about 30 seconds in. Obviously, SPOILERS! If you don't want to see spoilers, please don't press play. But if you feel like sobbing over Everlark all afternoon, by all means, PLAY IT!! And check out their YouTube Channel for more. 

Click for full sizeThe next piece is by phoenixpx on deviantart. We really like this striking work, and love how the artist described it:

I want to represent Katniss without any choice. And she became the Mockingjay to save her loved ones again. That’s why I represent her with red wings. They mean a choice which is soaked by pain. In my picture, I particularly want to note fatigue and terrible agony through which she had to pass through.

That about sums it up, doesn't it? Be sure to take a look at his other works on DeviantArt.  


This fan video isn't completely The Hunger Games-specific, but it's an incredible multifandom mash-up of 2014, and Mockingjay Part 1 is definitely in there multiple times. We think it's an amazing achievement. I mean, how?! Nice message too. Made by Pteryx Videos. You certainly should check out their YouTube channel

Be sure to check out the artists' pages, instagrams, youtube channels and give them some love! 


Lorde Talks 'Mockingjay Part 1' and Yellow Flicker Beat With L.A. Times

There's a great new interview with Lorde in L.A. about the Mockingjay Part 1 soundtrack and Yellow Flicker Beat. She gives a more insight into the song, songwrighting process and the lyrics than we've heard before, and we though it was pretty fascinating.

From L.A.

The low hum that begins "Yellow Flicker Beat" takes the viewer from the final shot of the transformed heroine Katniss Everdeen to the closing credits of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1.

"I liked the idea of the film ending on this close-up of Katniss' face, and then this very creepy, cracked hum kind of signaling your entry into her head, her deepest thoughts and secrets," says New Zealand singer-songwriter Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor, better known as Lorde. "I'd been listening to a lot of spirituals, songs like 'Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child,' and I loved the crackling, flawed sounds, both of the old recordings and the delivery of the vocals, so that definitely had some influence."

"This was my first time writing for a film, and it was important to me that it still felt like my song, not something that would feel out of place at one of my shows," Lorde says via email. "I wanted the song to feel almost stream-of-consciousness, very much Katniss' innermost thoughts, and when writing it, I could feel the lines blurring, my authorial voice overlapping with hers."
And my necklace is of rope / I tie it and untie. People talk to me, but nothing ever hits home / People talk to me, and all the voices just burn holes.
"Obviously I'm not angry in the way that she is at the end of the film, but I could identify with that feeling of everyone wanting Katniss to do a certain thing, and the pressure of that expectation."

Still, Lorde's key contribution is "Yellow Flicker Beat," which catches the Girl on Fire on the verge of stepping into a holocaust. The quiet of that hum explodes into a chorus declaring, "This is the start / Of how it all ends."

"Katniss has so much swirling under the surface, so many different voices both internal and external telling her what to do. A storm isn't smooth, a fight isn't quiet, and I don't think Katniss is just one thing at once," she says.

"I also liked the 'fingers laced together and I made a little prison, and I'm locking up everyone who ever laid a finger on me' part — it alluded to the 'playing God' nature of Katniss' role as Mockingjay and is probably the most empowering line I've ever written."



The Latest 'Mockingjay Part 1' Stills

A couple of new stills from Mockingjay Part 1 have surfaced online. The Hunger Games social media accounts posted this shot of Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen and Woody Harrelson as Haymitch Abernathy (in the ventilation shaft in District 13) yesterday.

Click image for full sizeThe Hunger Games twitter account tweeted (and then removed) the photo of Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss and Willow shields as Prim in the District 13 hospital below yesterday. Huge thanks to Tumblr user bandathtebillie for unraveling the mystery of the new still!

Another new still featuring Katniss and Haymitch:

Click image for larger size

See additional recent Mockingjay Part 1 stills here


Katniss Everdeen Wax Figure Launches at Madame Tussaud's

Madame Tussaud's London outpost debuted their Katniss Everdeen wax figure today. The extraordinarily lifelike representation of Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss is wearing the hunting jacket and cowl that we all recognize (and love) from The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Wonder if Jennifer has seen it and what she thinks of it?

Click image for full size

The new exhibit features in an immersive set, with a projection mapped mockingjay pin that catches fire. Check it out below:


The New York and Los Angeles locations also have new Katniss Everdeen displays. The New York Tussaud's location has Katniss in her arena outfit for the 74th Hunger Games in an arena setting.

Click images to enlarge

The Hollywood Tussaud's location has a very similar display to the London location, with Katniss in her hunting outfit from Catching Fire and the projection mapped burning mockingjay:

Click for larger imageWhat do you think of the Katniss Everdeen wax figures? Do you plan to visit one of the Madame Tussaud's locations to check them out?