The Hunger Games Fan Made Music, Movies & More

100 Days of Mockingjay Week 6
We're entering the SIXTH week of our 100 Days of Mockingjay celebration. It has been so much fun to focus on different segments of this incredible fandom each week, to hear your stories, and to understand what The Hunger Games means to you guys. This week we're going to focus on more of your fan-made creations, namely fan music, fan films, and audio dramas.
Did you know there's a group of super-passionate fans who adapted all 3 Hunger Games books into audio dramas? If you haven't discovered The Katniss Chronicles yet, you're in for a treat.
Have you ever heard any fan made Hunger Games music? One tribute wrote gorgeous scores for all three books before the films came out. We'll introduce you to his music plus some of the other amazing fan made Hunger Games music and covers you may have missed.
Did you realize how many fan made Hunger Games short films are out there? We'll spotlight some of our favorites.
There are also some crazy talented amateur film editors in the fandom. As soon as a new trailer appears, one of you has re-edited it into something often more powerful than the original content. We'll highlight some of those this week as well.
As usual, with a new theme for the week comes a new giveaway. This week one winner will receive:
1 Limited Edition Skullcandy Mockingjay headset
1 Black Mockingjay pin
Enter the giveaway through the widget below. This giveaway runs from Wed, Sept 16 - Tues, Sept 22nd at 8pmET. The giveaway is open to international tributes.

Reader Comments (146)
My absolute favorite is the hanging tree, but I also love the pieces in the trailers by TTL. :)
I love the song of the soundtrack Atlas from Caching Fire and the hanging tree from the Mockinjay part 1
My favorite is 'Atlas' by Coldplay.
Thank you for the chance!!!!
Air Raid Drill from the Mockingjay Part 1 score is definitely one of my favorites! It's so powerful and it really gives you chills. I love listening to it when I'm doing my homework, or when I feel down, or whenever I want! I also LOVE The Hanging Tree, Jennifer has such an angelic voice and this song also gives me chills! And I love that the song gets powerful at the end.
I seriously want that black mockingjay pin!!
Omg I just love the movies , actors and actresses and the music! I love all of the songs because they defiantly suit all the movies! Most of the songs get me sooooooo emotional! I just have to cry it just reminds me of all the sad things that happen Etc. the people u love die. Oh well but that's okay I just cry at home😂 the movies have taught me to never give up and to rebel against what's wrong and that's the good thing cause it can reach some people and give them a message to the heart or touch them. I hope u enjoy this article.
If I had to choose just one song, it would be The Hanging Tree. Jennifer sang it so beautifully. I love all the scores and soundtracks. I have them all!
I ADORE The Hunger Games!! My favorite songs are Rue's lullaby, The Hanging Tree' and we remain. I also love a music from a fan edit that's called 'somebody to die for' from Hurt. ^-^
Listening to The Hanging Tree and Safe and Sound always gives me the chills! Such strong songs!
The Hanging Tree is probably the one I listen to most, from all of the scores/soundtracks. I think 'Air Raid Drill' from Mockingjay Part 1 has become my favorite track because it's so intense and then there's the moment in the middle of it where 'Rue' Farewell' kicks in and it just brings me to tears every time. And then of course, all the Everlark tracks have a special place in my heart.
Definitely the Hanging Tree!
I really love Atlas and Hanging Tree. Safe and Sound is also one of my faves. The soundtracks (scores) as a whole are just amazing! Jonathan Thulin's Peeta is also amazing.
My favorite song from thg is the hanging tree because it shows such emotion and it means something and it just ugh gives me so many fan girl feels?😂! !!
Kingdom by Charli XCX. It's haunting, but in a different way. It's eerie, but not really. I love it so much. It perfectly depicts the mood of the series.
Definitely "Atlas" & "The Hanging Tree". Both songs always give me the feels-!
Eyes Open has always been one of my favorites. Atlas was also a favorite. Those two were my top favorites from the entire franchise.
Who We Are and Sillhouette
Songs from the Catching Fire soundtrack
They've touched my heart from the very first beginning, from the first second. Everytime i'm listening those songs i want to cry. It reminds me of how i love the hunger games, of Katniss' bravery and strength but also her downs, even how near is the end. And also of how amazing my fandom is.
The music is very important. Even to start the revolution.
The Hanging Tree always gives me chills
I love listening to
-The Hanging Tree, Safe and Sound and a lot more.
- I love watching the films from when I was 12/13 years old then I read the books.
- My favorite character could be Peeta and Katniss, by how they protect or save each other by being in multiple of games.
Definitely Kingdom come by the civil wars
I really liked "Yellow Flicker Beat" from Mockingjay part 1
Of course I choose Safe And Sound which is singed by my baby Taylor Swift and I like it becoz it is beautiful
I really love "Meltdown" by Stromae
Safe and Sound is my all-time-favourite, from the guitar strings picking to the heart-aching lyrics, I've been loving it since the first time I really listened to it.
I love The Hanging Tree! Jen sounds amazing & I love the meaning behind the song.