The Capitol Portraits: Here's What YOU Think

Capitol Portrait Edit by i-want-to-know-nothingLast week was a crazy whirlwind of fangirling/fanboying as Capitol Couture revealed the Official Capitol Portraits. Yay! Now that we've all had a little time to come down from our adrenaline rush and study the portraits a bit (obsessively), we wanted to share YOUR hilarious, poignant and - as always - brilliant thoughts on the (mostly) hits and misses.
Reactions From Twitter:
Liza H @bizcochito73: Johanna! Was a top notch reprisal of the character, her wit, wild, brave, unwavering spirit. Fierce and cunning.
Just A Normal Girl @Normal_Girl: Even though Peeta is my favorite character, Gale's portrait just captures the whole essence of his character
Luchii Sotelo @LulaSotelo: Finnick, Peeta and Katniss are the best!!
Tatiana @FairieWriter: Finnick! (What can I say? I'm a huge Sam fan.) Other than that, Katniss. Love her, her dress, and her attitude.
Rosie @lovettspastries: Totally Effie! Her dress is stunning.
Joan @joanlh9: I love the McQueen-esque vibe in Johanna'a dress again. Are we sure Sarah Burton isn't behind the scenes somewhere there?!?!
Kevin Dunlap @kdunlap53: Woody Harrelson plays a great Haymitch. You can just see the sadness in his face!
Jen's Spark @WiressBeetee: Amazing "wirey" details on Beetee's waistcoat and trousers! Simply Stunning!!
Jessi @raineygrey: Finnick's face is perfect! He's sexy and pretty but it's obvious there's more to him than that. He has a loaded expression.
JJ @jj_watching: Finnick's portrait perfectly fits the books. He's sexy but you can see the sadness in his eyes for being forced into this role.
Sam Claflin Fans @SamClaflinFans: Finnick is not what we expected, but it's better. It's unique and says a lot about what's to come.
Maggi Rippelmeyer @MaggiNoel: I think Gale's white rose is perfect. Let's not forget that Snow uses Gale as a way to get into Katniss' head!
GuyTribute @C4tnipEv3rdeen: Johanna!!! She's fierce...Represents her perfectly.
Connor Hale @OhHaletotheno: I think Katniss was the most elegant and beautiful one. She's gorgeous and I love her!
Jaycie Marie Black @JaycieBlack: Katniss is absolutely stunning in that dress! When I first saw it my jaw dropped! And the mockingjay wiring? #OMG!
RealornotrealNews @THG_RONRNews: Peeta, Katniss and Finnick! They are amazing!
Morgan Herreras @gigglegirl7307: the silver twisty things around the top of Katniss' dress are a silhouette of a mockingjay #WHAT!?!?!
Jennifer's Oscar @pandemoniumD13: PEETA.♥ Josh is basically my favorite person on this earth so...
Tisha Maldonado @TishaMaldonado: (on Peeta) omg. How gorgeous can one person be?? I loved those portraits, esp Katniss and Peeta. Completely giddy w/excitement!!
Everlark Edit by ariverofpureemotion
Katniss Granger @CatnippMellark: Why isn't there a new timer? We want Prim. And Plutarch. And Mags. And Wiress.
Amanda B @amandab716: So bummed about no #CapitolPortrait of Plutarch. Seriously!? How does it even make sense to omit him!?
RealornotrealNews @THG_RONRNews: This is sad!! #NoMoreCFPortraits We wanna see Plutarch!
Romulus Thread @HG_Peacekeeper: Peeta's picture shows that Uggs carry on in a post apocalyptic world
Holy Bechloe Feels @swiftlyvoegele: (on Snow) as my sister says, "Nobody likes you, go home"
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