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'Catching Fire' Costumes on Display at 'Art of Motion Picture Costume Design' Exhibit in Los Angeles

Photo by Joe Kucharski/Tyranny of Style

Katniss' party dress. Photo courtesy El UniversalSeveral costumes from Catching Fire are on display at the FIDM 'Art of Motion Picture Costume Design' Exhibit in Los Angeles, including Katniss' dress from the party at Snow Mansion and Johanna Mason's Catching Fire chariot costume. The costumes, designed by Trish Summerville, are featured in the annual exhibition of over one hundred costumes from 2013 films. This year's exhibition features costumes from more than twenty films, including all five 2014 Academy Award nominees for Best Costume: American Hustle (Michael Wilkinson), The Grandmaster (William Chang Suk Ping), The Great Gatsby (Catherine Martin), The Invisible Woman (Michael O’Connor), and 12 Years a Slave (Patricia Norris).

Costume Illustration by Robin RichessonSummerville says about working with Jennifer Lawrence, "She's great, she has a tiny little waist, she's curvy and lean. She's a joy to dress, great in period pieces as well, great strong shoulders. She's very open to dialogue on the different consumes, open to trying things as you try and cram in as many shapes and silhouettes as you can."

Mockingjay dress illustration by Robin RichessonOne of the dresses on display is Katniss' mockingjay dress which is made of layers of silk chiffon and printed bird feathers-- blue birds, peacocks, bluejays and mockingbirds. Summerville worked with an illustrator as they laid out photos of feathers, compiled then into a print and transferred that onto fabric to assemble the dress.

If you're a costume buff, you can see the exhibition for free through April 26th:


22nd Annual Art of Motion Picture Costume Design Exhibition

February 11-April 26, 2014
Tuesday through Saturday

FIDM Museum & Galleries
919 South Grand Avenue, Suite 250
Los Angeles, California, 90015
(Ground Floor, Park Side)

photo courtesy El UniversalThanks to RealorNotReal News for finding some great pics! Costume illustrations by Robin Richesson and information are from the article, "The Designer Behind The Wild 'The Hunger Games: Catching Fire' Costumes: Trish Summerville by Anne Thompson.

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December 21, 2021 | Unregistered Commenterzimrkharm
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