More From the 'Mockingjay' Set in Paris - Photos & Video

Star Squad 451!
Image thanks to @luna_luna02 on instagramThe Hunger Games fandom definitely got a much-needed resuscitation the last few days with all the incredible photos and video from the Paris Mockingjay set! Lots fans made it to the set today and got close enough to the action to get some amazing photos and video. Thanks to all of you! This is going to be very spoilery so steer clear if you are avoiding set spoilers. There were scenes filmed today featuring Star Squad 451, and in the photos you can see Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson (in his cuffs - Peeta!), Sam Claflin, Liam Hemsworth, Michelle Forbes (Jackson), Elden Henson (Pollux), Natalie Dormer (Cressida), Evan Ross (Messalla), and Wes Chatham (Castor).
The scenes were shot at Les Espaces d'Abraxas, a unique apartment complex in Noisy-le-Grand outside of Paris. The architecture is really spectacular and makes a great stand-in for part of the Capitol.
Above: Footage of the cast and crew shooting the scene where Star Squad enters a Capitol apartment. Majot SPOILERS so be warned.
Photo thanks to
Much, much more after the jump.
Image thanks to @luna_luna_02 in instagram
Image thanks to luna_luna_02 on instagram
Image thanks to luna_luna_02 in instagram
Image thanks to luna_luna_02 in instagram
Image thanks to luna_luna_02 on instagram
Image thanks to luna_luna_02 on instagram
Image thanks to luna_luna_02 on instagram
Jennifer, Josh, Sam, Liam, Natalie and Evan. Photo thx to @laetitia_rl
Image thx to @sarah_Swan on twitter
Image thanks to luna_luna_02 on instagram
Image thanks to luna_luna_02 on instagram
Image thanks to luna_luna_02 on instagram
Wes Chatham on set. Image thanks to luna_luna_02 on instagram
More Star Squad! Photo thx to MarionBozziaIs that Omid Abtahi (Homes) in the rear of the photo above? It's hard to tell. We think the characters in the photo above, from back to front are: Homes, Castor (he has the insect shell on and we see him in some of the video clips) Messalla, Finnick, Peeta, Cressida, Katniss, Pollux, Jackson, Gale. And it seems like we're missing Leeg 1 if this is the scene we think it is. We've seen a photo around tumblr that names the character 2nd to the back as Mitchell and we respectfully disagree. He wouldn't be in the photo if they stick to the book (Mitchell is the reason Peeta is in handcuffs with Finnick as guard). Also Mitchell hasn't been cast, though he's rumored to be Joe Chrest.
Photo thanks to @shoufyy on instagram
Photo thanks to @kolkev on instagram
Could that be the HOLO? Photo thx to @Mr_Djbril on twitter
Photo thx to @sowcobain on instagram
Propaganda posters with Mockingjay graffiti. Image thx to @A_TributeThing on twitter
But first, let me take a selfie. Image by @Ma_helisse on twitter
Mockingjay graffiti! Image by @sarah_Swan on twitter
Blue Guy! Assuming he's going to be some crazy CGI in post. Thx to luna_luna_02 on instagram
The HQ Peacekeeper shots all thanks to MockingjayUpdates
Massive thanks to all the tributes who were out there reporting in the field this week! We really appreicate the photos and video you shared. Be sure to click on the photos and video above (they are linked) if you want to follow them on their socials or just say "Thanks!" And if you see YOUR picture here uncredited, PLEASE let us know so that we can give you the proper credit! Unfortunately, there are a couple of pictures that we couldn't trace back to their original sources.
If you just can't get enough from the set see the other Mockingjay set photo posts here:
Photos and video from May 8th in Paris
Video from Mockingjay night shoot rehearsals
Photos & Video from May 7th in Paris
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