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Jennifer Lawrence Interviews Eddie Redmayne

Jennifer Lawrence clearly needs her own chat show and she proves it in the new issue of Interview magazine. Jennifer calls up Eddie Redmayne for an interview and, lucky for us, she basically interviews herself. The whole thing is a must-read, but here are our favorite bits:

On Jennifer and Eddie's mutual love of reality tv:

LAWRENCE: You watch Real Housewives, Eddie? 

REDMAYNE: I've been a closet lover of faux-reality TV sinceThe Hills. It's bad. 

 Jennifer Lawrence and Friends at PumpLAWRENCE: I feel like I'm going to cry. We're making a breakthrough. I went to Pump the other night to meet [restaurateur and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star] Lisa Vanderpump. I had her sign a bottle of vodka, and when she gave it to my friend who was with me at the Oscars, my friend said, "Jennifer, this is so much better than the Oscars!" [laughs] We took so many pictures with her. We were like, [referring to season four of the show] "Puerto Rico was a witch hunt. Brandi [Glanville] and Kyle [Richards] were so mean!" 

On the end of The Hunger Games and her relationship with Josh and Liam:

Liam, Jen and Josh at the London premiere of Catching FireREDMAYNE: Are you guys finished with Hunger Games now? 

LAWRENCE: I think we're done with the press tour. I've got, like, one more thing to shoot for Hunger Games. We just have one scene to do for the end. 

REDMAYNE: It's over? Wowzer. That's quite intense. That's, like, several years of your life. 

LAWRENCE: I know. I'm not happy about it at all. 

REDMAYNE: Wait, can't they write some more? 

LAWRENCE: I know, right? I would totally do it. And now Liam [Hemsworth]'s doing a movie in Australia for two months. It's the longest that the three of us have ever spent apart. 

REDMAYNE: Are you like siblings?

LAWRENCE: Yeah. We were just on the plane, and Josh [Hutcherson] was eating something that I don't like—salmon or something. I was eating my own snack and he kept eating my snack. I was going to share with him because I'm not an asshole, but then finally I was like, "I can't eat your snack. So it's not fair that you're eating my snack!" Our security guard just started laughing at us. And we were like, "It's been a lot of years!" [laughs]

On her start in the business:

REDMAYNE: So are you having Thanksgiving? 

LAWRENCE: I'm flying to Kentucky tomorrow. That's where everybody lives. That's where my nephews are, so I go back there. 

REDMAYNE: Are any of them actors? 

LAWRENCE: No. Do you have actors in your family? 

REDMAYNE: No, not at all. It's a positively weird gene. How did you get into this? 

LAWRENCE: When my parents were going to be working when I got off from school, they started me with theater. I didn't really like it, and I only did it for a few weeks. I was 14, and then somebody took my picture on a street in New York, and then I read a screenplay for a film called Gracie [2007]; it was about soccer. I had always sucked in school and hated sports, and then I read that and was like, "This I get! This I love!" I became so convinced that it was going to work out that I told my parents I was moving to New York. I look back and I'm like, "Oh my God. You were a fucking idiot! You could've died!" 

On getting out of her comfort zone:

LAWRENCE: You seem very driven by fear. 


LAWRENCE: Does that go away for you, or is that your fuel? Like, I'll be afraid on the first day of work and then I feel it and then I'm driven by confidence. I don't know if that's tricking myself, because Silver Linings was the only time I felt scared the whole time. 

REDMAYNE: Why was that, do you think? 

LAWRENCE: Probably because I was out of my comfort zone. It was my first movie with David [O. Russell]. And he's always shouting at you. [laughs] You'll be doing a scene, and he'll be like, "Say this! Do it the exact opposite way!" Or "Do the whole scene in slow motion!" It's a way of pulling you away, which is why you'll watch it and you won't recognize yourself.

Read the entire article at 

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