Fan Preview: Inside The Hunger Games Exhibition!

Katniss' wedding dress. Click all images to enlargeI was lucky enough to be invited to a preview of The Hunger Games Exhibition in New York City yesterday. I'm so excited to share some of the photos with you guys. This is going to be a long post, so let's get started.
As you walk in you're greeted with huge versions of The Hunger Games character portraits in the waiting area.
Kate McConnell, creative director at the exhibit, was on hand to answer any of our questions and was very passionate about the project and also just extremely kind!
The exhibit features 7 different galleries and we'll be posting photos from each one in order of how you'll see them in the exhibition. There's a self-guided tour using a device and headset on which you can take photos and unlock different content within the galleries - even deleted movie scenes.
The doors swing open and you're greeted with a video greeting from Effie Trinket and then an introduction by Elizabeth Banks.
The continuation of the video is thanks to our friends at Hunger Games Trilogy Fansite:
First up, District 12:
District 12 is the home of Katniss Everdeen and the entry point into the world of Panem. Journey through the Hob, see the Everdeen family house and the Hall of Justice, explore Panem via an interactive map, and more.
Inside The Hob area of the District 12 exhibit
Katniss and Gale's costumes inside the District 12 exhibit
Katniss and Prim costumes inside the District 12 gallery
One of my favorite set-ups was Effie's costume with the reaping bowls in front of the Justice Building.
Interactive Panem Map
Tribute Train:
Come aboard the high-speed train that sweeps Katniss away from District 12 and opens her eyes to the world of Panem. Featuring plenty of ‘mahogany,’ see the intricate set dressings and props that offer a first glimpse of the Capitol’s opulence and splendor.
One of the bigger "WOW" moments for me was walking into the Tribute Train gallery. You really did feel as Katniss and Peeta were supposed to feel upon glimpsing the opulence of The Capitol for the first time.

The train from Catching Fire is set up within the gallery. You can sit and take a picture there!The Capitol:
Explore the wonder and opulence of the Capitol, from President Snow’s balcony to the tribute parade chariot to the lavish victory party held at Snow’s mansion. Visit Cinna’s design studio, complete with Cinna’s prized sketchbook and the Girl on Fire dress, and even sit down for an interview with Capitol TV’s Caesar Flickerman.
This was another one of my favorite galleries. The costumes up close were so much more detailed than we could ever catch in the film. It was amazing to see.
This was a gorgeous costume in person. So much detail!
Cinna and Katniss costumes from The Hunger Games in The Capitol gallery
Peeta and Caesar costumes
Getting interviewed by the one and only Caesar Flickerman.
Making The Games:
Highlighting the arts and science of The Hunger Games, this high tech zone is dedicated to the games themselves. Honor the tributes, test your knot tying and stunt skills, and explore the technology behind the games – from muttations to force fields – at the interactive Gamemakers’ table.
Test your technique at the rope-tying station
Arena suits and weapons found in the arena
Train like a tribure - that's Grant from in the middle.
A look at Finnick's District 4 costume from Catching Fire
District 13:
Venture into rebel territory and join the fight! Create a “propo” (propaganda film) to fuel the revolution, view the latest advancements in Beetee’s lab, and learn more about life in the underground district.
This is NEW - a look at Finnick's trident from the upcoming Mockingjay Part 2. No one has seen this one yet!
Costumes from the Mockingjay films
Prim's costumes and look inside the bunker
Katniss and Gale's costumes from Mockingjay Part 1
Katniss's Journey:
Celebrate Katniss’s brave transformation from tribute to the Mockingjay in this moving finale. See Katniss’s most iconic costumes up close, including the Mockingjay dress and the Mockingjay armor, see pivotal moments from the films, and be completely inspired by the power of one person to change the world.
Another breathtaking moment was walking into this gallery and seeing all of Katniss' iconic costumes together.
Katniss' hunting costume from The Hunger Games
The wedding dress from Catching Fire
The Mockingjay Dress from Catching fire
Mockingjay dress with the Mockingjay armor from Mockingjay Part 1
Fan Gallery:
See first-hand how the story of the Mockingjay has become a global phenomenon and fan sensation in this zone featuring real fan art. Who knows? Maybe your masterpieces will make the gallery!
This was really exciting! So many of the fan artists we know, love, and admire were included in this gallery. It was wonderful to see your work represented here!
Courtney from is right in the center here (glasses) along with Amanda and Megan from in front
Another bonus from The Exhibition? All the rare film stills scattered around the galleries! Take a look:
Of course you exit through the gift shop! And it's a good one. There are lots of exclusive items for sale including the NEW Mockingjay pin for Mockingjay Part 2!! I'm sure you'll be able to purchase this one outside the gift shop soon.
Even the gift shop is amazing.
New Mockingjay Part 2 pin
Everyone's favorite
The Hunger Games Exhibition is definitely a "must see" for any tribute and we highly recommend that everyone check it out. Each gallery also has loads of interactives - including opportunities to make your own propos, take photos and VIDEO as a tribute in the tribute parade (complete with movie footage) and much more! You can come home with lots of souvenirs from the world of The Hunger Games.
The Hunger Games Exhibition opens to the public on Wednesday, July 1st at Discovery Times Square in New York City. And it was just announced THIS MORNING that The Exhibition's next stop will be San Francisco, CA. Read more on that here.
Reader Comments (1)
you think that the exhibition will move on a tour in various countries?