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Press Has Begun For 'Mockingjay Part 2'

Image via @carlyjsteel

Based on a flurry of tweets and instagram posts, it's obvious "long lead" press has begun for Mockingjay Part 2. Jennifer Lawrence is pictured above with Pop TV's Carly Steel and Laurie Feltheimer. She and Liam Hemsworth were filming a segment for an upcoming show "Jet To The Set." Fun fact: Laurie Feltheimer is Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer's wife. But we digress....

Image via @carlyjsteel on twitterphoto via @lauriefelt on instagram

MTV's Josh Horowitz did a shoot with Jen, Josh and Liam. We can't wait for the crazy! His interviews with the cast are always the best. 

Can't wait for this one!

Long lead press is usually press for outlets that need a longer editorial lead time: national monthly magazines, filmed features that need time to produce (hence the green screen), etc. 

And Joey Graceffa

Photo via @JoeyGraceffa on twitter

Also leaked out in the press junket excitement, Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer are writing a screenplay and will star in said film as sisters. This we MUST see! Read about that HERE thanks to Brooks Barnes of the NY Times. 

We know we won't be seeing these interviews for months to come, but the official start of press always gets us really hyped. We've got lots of fun stuff to look forward to in the months to come, tributes! Stay tuned! 

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