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Jennifer Lawrence on Katniss and Being a Positive Role Model

Jennifer Lawrence sat down with Glenn Whipp from the LA Times and talked about the importance of making Katniss a positive role model for young women.

From the Los Angeles Times:


Photo credit: Kirk McCoy/LA TimesShe's acutely aware of the influence she has on young women, particularly now that she's playing the strong, self-possessed heroine Katniss Everdeen in the movies adapted from Suzanne Collins' young adult trilogy that began with "The Hunger Games."

"I was a teenager too — hard to believe, right? — and remember reading magazines and tabloids," Lawrence says. "I don't think the media realizes how much they glorify anorexia. You have an actress who loses a bunch of weight for a role and she's explaining how she lost it. 'I ate one grape a day and I lost 25 pounds and I was dangerously underweight and now I get awards.'

"With Katniss, I never meant to make a big deal about it. It was just important she was strong and a warrior instead of being wasted away, especially when, without a doubt, she's going to be a role model for a lot of young girls. I thought it would be better for them to say, 'I could look like Katniss' rather than 'I'll never be able to look like that if I keep eating.'"


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