Sam Claflin Spread in Nylon Guys

Sam Claflin (Finnick Odair), poised for international fame pending Catching Fire's release, has been featured in this month's issue of Nylon Guys, a men's fashion magazine.
“I’m one of those people who, the moment they say ‘cut,’ I go back to being Sam. Take Finnick Odair, for example: I’m not one to continue my American accent when I go home. I’m kind of happy being who I am, and I guess I’ve learned from the best. Like Jennifer Lawrence, who can literally be joking with you on set until the moment they say “action,” then cry on the spot. She’s just phenomenal to watch, and that’s the way I want to work.”
Sam rehearsing the monket mutt scene in Catching Fire?
Images are courtesy of Sam Claflin Fans
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