'Catching Fire' At Comic Con: Day 1 - Bruno Gunn, Stephanie Leigh Schlund & Meta Golding

Image courtesy Bruno Gunn on WhoSay
Day 1 at San Diego Comic Con was a madhouse!! If Lionsgate had any doubts about The Hunger Games: Catching Fire's popularity with fans, they were put to rest today. Fire Marshalls sent huge crowds away from the Lionsgate booth, shutting down the scheduled 11:00am mockingjay pin giveaway.
But lucky fans who got there early to snag a wristband were treated to an autograph session with Bruno Gunn (Brutus), Stephanie Leigh Schlund (Cashmere), and Meta Golding (Enobaria).
Images courtesy The Hunger Games on Instagram
Images courtesy Stephanielschlund Instagram
Images courtesy Meta Golding on twitter @metagolding
Courtney and Tiffany from fan site Welcome To District 12 (Tiffany also writes for Victor's Village) got to MEET the trifecta of Victors. How awesome is that?
Courtney and Tiffany from WToD12. Image courtesy WelcomToDistrict12.comThe lovely ladies of Mockingjay.net also got a chance to meet Bruno, Stephanie and Meta. Bruno gave them a shoutout on WhoSay with this photo:
Image courtesy Bruno Gunn on WhoSay
Get all the details on Saturday's Catching Fire panel and trailer premiere HERE. Don't forget that Saturday, Willow Sheilds, Jena Malone and Jeffrey Wright will be signing autographs at 3:00pm at the Lionsgate booth (4029 B).
Be sure to follow The Hunger Games on Instagram and many thanks to them for the great pictures! For more great pictures, follow Bruno Gunn on twitter @brunogunn, facebook at Bruno Gunn, and whosay, Stephanie Leigh Sclund on twitter @1stephanieleigh and instagram at @stephanielschlund, and Meta Golding on twitter @metagolding
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