Liam Hemsworth on Gale: "His Stuff Is More In The Third" Hunger Games Film

HitFix sat down with Liam Hemsworth to talk about his upcoming film, Paranoia. They spoke a bit about Catching Fire and Liam talks about Gale and says that his "stuff is more in the 3rd one, actually."
From HitFix:
The Hemsworths, though, are just these two charming giants, Australian boys who obviously drank their milk. Liam's been working like a madman for the last few years, and I think it' s safe to say that at this point, the biggest thing he's ever booked was his role as Gale in The Hunger Games. In that first film, it doesn't really seem like much of a break for an actor, and I asked him when we sat down to talk about "Paranoia" if it felt good to finally jump in for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.
After all, the new trailer for the film features what seems to be a pretty big couple of moments for Gale, and I seem to remember his character playing a larger role in the second book.
You'll see Hemsworth's response here, and it sounds to me like he really doesn't get to take center stage now until the third and fourth film. That's got to be tough as an actor, basically playing a supporting supporting supporting role while waiting for the future chapter of the story where you get to finally show everyone why you were cast in the first place.
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