Jennifer Lawrence Covers Bazaar UK November Issue

Jennifer Lawrence will star on yet another fashion magazine - the November issue of Harper's Bazaar UK. The pictures were shot by Ben Hassett and there are two cover versions, one for subscribers and one for newsstands.
From Bazaar UK:
Interviewed ahead of her starring role in the Hunger Games, out next month, Lawrence is one of the most independent spirits in Hollywood today. Not only is she unashamedly herself (giving the press room the finger when collecting her Oscar for Silver Linings Playbook), she's also compulsively honest and funny, according to Bazaar's interviewer, Tom Shone. "When I ask her what she most likes about her life, she doesn't miss a beat," he writes. "'The money,' she says." As if proof of her refusal to conform to Hollywood norms, she cheerfully lambasts starvation diets and says that before each take on a film, she is most likely found eating chips.
"I was young. It was just the kind of s--t that actresses have to go through," Lawrence, now 23, told the magazine Somebody told me I was fat, that I was going to get fired if I didn't lose a certain amount of weight. They brought in pictures of me where I was basically naked, and told me to use them as motivation for my diet. It was just that." [Someone brought up] that because of the way my career had gone, it wouldn't still hurt me. That somehow, after I won an Oscar, I'm above it all. 'You really still care about that?' Yeah. I was a little girl. I was hurt," said J.Law in no uncertain terms. "It doesn't matter what accolades you get. I know it'll never happen to me again. If anybody even tries to whisper the word 'diet,' I'm like, 'You can go f--k yourself."
Thanks to JLawrenceBrasil for some of the photos!
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