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US Weekly's Mockingjay Part 1 Special Edition

Well, now things are starting to get interesting! US Weekly's Mockingjay Part 1 Special Edition is out on select newsstands. MASSIVE thanks to @jenlawrnce on instagram who first posted the peek at the issue (go give her a follow). Sounds like she found it at a Meijer store. We found ours in Barnes & Noble and it's probably in every drug store and grocery store in the US by now. 

The mag is filled with new stills and tons of  interviews with the cast and crew - the US Weekly Specials are always our favorites! 

The issue includes a few pretty decent *SPOILERS* about Mockingjay Part 2! Read on if you dare, but heed the warning. This is more detail on what we WON'T be seeing in Part 1 than we've heard until now, and gives us even more insight into where they'll be splitting the two films.

2 new images thank to Real or Not Real News

What’s Next - Mockingjay Part 2

Bloody battles, broken hearts, fatal confrontations: this is the end. “It’s really dark, really intense,” Hutcherson says of Part 2. Prepare to grab tissues as Finnick reunites with his longtime love, Annie (who he thought was dead!), and marries her in a bittersweet ceremony. Then there’s Katniss, struggling to start from scratch with a severely brainwashed Peeta. “He has lost his mind and hates her now,” Hutcherson tells US. Through it all, Katniss must keep her eye on the prize: her chance to, at long last, annihilate President Snow. “We get into the streets of The Capitol which has become her arena,” says Francis. “She is very, very fragile and very, very angry.”

Thanks so much to the-jlawrence who went to the trouble of buying the ($12.00!) magazine and scanning everything. We've got our hands on a few copies too, so look for a giveaway in the future! 

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Reader Comments (4)

Does Francis' comment about getting into the streets of the Capitol suggest where the movies are gonna be split? Maybe something around when Boggs is killed?

October 28, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDan

I feel like, from these comments, it will be BEFORE we think. Maybe even right after Peeta is rescued? Since they're basically saying we won't see Finnick and Annie's reconciliation at all in Part 1 - that makes me feel like they are going to split it right after Peeta's rescue.

October 28, 2014 | Registered CommenterPanemPropaganda

,1st still= if we burn you burn with us

October 29, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJasmine

When this was first posted, it didn't have MJ2 heading. Or I didn't see it. Since MJ2 will into the Capitol, I've got to go with just after the rescue. Maybe just as Peeta attacks Katniss. Why else would JLaw say the ending would make people mad?

November 6, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDan

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