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New 'Mockingjay Part 1' Clip - Meet The Panem Rebels

Katniss Everdeen meets the Panem Rebellion in this new clip from Mockingjay Part 1 "Meeting The Crew." In a scene that's slightly expanded from the Mockingjay book version of events, Katniss meets the rebels from District 13 in a hovercraft on her way to District 8. 

This clip is the one that's hidden in the OurLeaderTheMockingjay app - it's on the hovercraft in the cockpit. Go there (virtually), turn around and look behind you once you're inside - there is a small play triangle button. 


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Reader Comments (1)

Cressida being a total bad ass. Love it!

November 8, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterkathy

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