Repainted Katniss Barbie Sold for Almost 2k

Maybe you've never seen the work of master doll repaint artist Noel Cruz because realistic dolls just creep you the hell out. OK, maybe that's just me. But we'll get over our fears (and see our therapist) to show you his AMAZING repaint of the Katniss Barbie. Cruz took the pretty decent to-begin-with doll and turned her into a lifelike masterpiece, complete with a new, realistic-sized braid. Remember the Braid of Unusual Size she was sporting before?
Want one? Well, sorry, you can't have one. She sold yesterday for $1980.55 on eBay. Holy CRAP.
See more of Mr. Cruz seriously unbelievable work HERE. Yep, now I'm fascinated. He even has other Jennifer Lawrence dolls.
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