Elizabeth Banks Talks Jennifer Lawrence & Playing Effie "She's One of My All Time Favorites"

Elizabeth Banks is currently supporting The Listerine 21 Day Challenge, which supports Oral Health America’s Smiles Across America program in their goal of connecting at-risk children with needed access to oral care. She snapped her own “Swish Selfie” on the red carpet at the launch of the challenge on Thursday to trigger an immediate donation of $21,000 to Oral Health America.
Talk at the Los Angeles event inevitably turned to Jennifer Lawrence, Mockingjay and Philip Seymour Hoffman:
So, speaking of things that ladies love, give us some inside scoop about hanging with JLaw?
Well, recently everyone surprised me on the set of Mockingjay with a birthday cake! That was really fun. And, of course, the first person to delve into my cake was Jennifer. I will say she’s a girl who likes to eat and I love that about her.
As far as the Hunger Games go, are there any surprises hardcore fans of the book won’t see coming?
Honestly, I can’t say anything about Mockingjay! Ahhh!! We’ll both end up hurt somewhere! I think the hardcore fans can expect exactly what both The Hunger Games and Catching Fire delivered, Mockingjay is going to be as faithful a rendition of Suzanne’s Collins’s world and books and characters as we can put out!
“I am almost done,” she said. “I’m going to miss playing Effie, she’s one of my all-time favorite characters. I have such a ball with her & this cast & I will miss it. It’s absorbing because we still put the movies out so we’ll still have our little reunions, which I’m looking forward to. I have two more years of getting reunited with all these wonderful people!”
And what was it like to work with Philip Seymour Hoffman?
I’d really rather not discuss it. He was an incredible actor that I respected greatly and I will miss tremendously.
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