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'Mockingjay' News: Effie's Role Expanded and Philip Seymour Hoffman Will Not Be CGI'ed


Peter Craig, Nina Jacobson and Francis LawrenceThere's a wealth of information about Mockingjay Part 1 on the new site, including confimation that Effie's role in the Mockingjay films has been expanded in the books - per Suzanne Collins! And that the oft-rumored use of CGI to recreate the late Philip Seymour Hoffman for his remaining scenes is not happening. Director Francis Lawrence, Producer Nina Jacobson and Screenwrighter Peter Craig sat down for a filmmaker roundtable to elaborate on everything from the newest cast members to a shocking Capitol escapee.

Another treat for fans? The Hanging Tree will be included in the film! Nina Jacobson says:

I’m excited about what these two dreamed up for ‘The Hanging Tree.’ Francis and Peter [Craig] came up with an incredible way of turning a powerful moment in the book into great big cinema.”

You can read the entire filmmaker roundtable at


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Reader Comments (1)

This are Awesome News!!! I think Francis it´s doing an excellent work as the Director of Mockingjay Parts 1 and 2. And I also think he has done an incredible work on Catching Fire, of course.
I am very glad about this news, too, because it means he is doing an effort to make the movie as similar as the book as possible.
Can´t wait to see Mockingjay!!! (I am a big fan of The Hunger Games trilogy)

May 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterIsa

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