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Jeffrey Wright's Live Web Chat With L.A. Times

Jeffrey Wright did a live web chat with L.A. Times' Glenn Whipp today, and he spoke to us from his trailer on the Mockingjay set at Tempelhof Airport in Berlin. Jeffrey says he's finished shooting all of his scenes from Mockingjay Part 1 and is on to Mockingjay Part 2 and that they have "a little over a month" left of shooting.

Jeffrey starts talking about Mockingjay at about 13:47.

Wright said that, "people have a more personal relationship with this material" than any other project that he's done. He shared, "In Mockingjay, this world, this society, that's been created by these books is now completely undone. It's now set ablaze."

On Jennifer Lawrence: "This is a wonderful cast led by Jennifer Lawrence. And fortunately she is just, beyond being an intensely interesting actor, she's a riot and one of the funniest people you ever hope to meet."

On Beetee: "He has a sense of clarity about his response to this unjust society and the oppression of the Capitol. There's a sensitivity about him that conflicts with the brutality of his work."

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