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'Mockingjay Part 2' Production Notes Released

The massively long Mockingjay Part 2 production notes have been released. You can read the full document HERE. There are some really great nuggets within those 97 pages including cast and crew interviews and the film's credits. Probably some *SPOIERS* in here for those who haven't read the books.

Some of our favorite bits:

The toast babies (Katniss and Peeta's kids) are, as expected, being played by Jennifer Lawrence's nephews Bear and Theodore Lawrence. 

Francis Lawrence praises Josh Hutcherson's performance as Peeta Mellark:

Francis Lawrence says Josh Hutcherson’s willingness to go the edge in this new incarnation of Peeta was impressive. “He really blew me away in this film because he was so incredible at showing how tormented Peeta is in his current state. I know Josh so well, but watching him in these scenes, I didn’t recognize any part of him,” remarks the director.

Josh on playing Peeta in MJ2:

“Peeta’s always been known as being the down-to-earth, grounded, honest guy. But now he’s out of his
mind, I had to turn that inside out,” he says. “It shows a lot about the real feelings that Katniss has for Peeta that she still fights for him and believes in him even in this state.

Jennifer Lawrence talks about Katniss and Peeta's relationship:

Somebody being brainwashed to think that you’re an evil mutt is a hell of a strain to put on a relationship. They have to start over.

Nina Jacobson on Katniss and Peeta:

“She has her moments with Gale in this film, but even he can see through her,” Jacobson muses. “Her heart is stuck on Peeta. She can’t let him go, even now, and I think that’s pretty poignant.”

and on her committmentto remaining faithfull to Suzanne Collins' books:

“I have such profound respect for Suzanne and I love the books so much and understand how fans feel about them,” Jacobson closes. “So from the start, we had a total commitment to do right by the books and deliver cinematic storytelling at the highest level. That was a huge thing to aspire to do, but I never could have forgiven myself if we’d gotten it wrong. We had an obligation to come through for people and it’s been an incredible experience. I hope we will continue to talk about all the incredibly relevant things this entire story is about: human society, the costs of war, the exploitation of tragedy for entertainment and the dangers of losing our individual narratives in tyrannical times. It’s a story for the ages.”

What Francis Lawrence is most excited about:

One of the things that I’m most excited about is the film’s final scene,” says Francis Lawrence. “There was a really strong feeling on the set when we got to the scene – a feeling that all the history of all these characters through the course of these four movies had built up to this singular moment. I hope audiences really feel that history and also a sense of the future. Everything that has happened to Katniss and all the themes of the story have wound together to come down to this final glimpse of her world, so it was very important that we really get to live inside it.

Our thanks to QuarterQuell for the production notes!


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