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The 'Mockingjay Part 2' Final Trailer

The Mockingjay Part 2 final trailer is FINALLY here for all to see! We bring you "Welcome To the 76th Hunger Games, " the official final Mockingjay Part 2 trailer. 


The final trailer is a slow build into intense action. With a runtime is 1:52, longer than any final trailer we've had for The Hunger Games franchise so far. 

This one hits some nice emotional beats and has some great action sequences. The opening shot of Katniss at Finnick and Annie's wedding is really gorgeous and the on-screen visualization of the pods was a big stand-out for me. Francis and his team somehow always visually adapt things just how you want them to be, yet 100 times better. There are quick peeks at almost every character in the film, including Johanna.

My favorite part? Katniss' line hasn't left me since I saw the trailer at Best Buy on Friday. She says it with such emotion in her voice, quaking with anger. I hear it in my head all day, seriously. It's so goose-bump worthy.  

Stop killing for him!"

There's not much new footage but more expansions of scenes we've already seen. As I watched it, I was thinking "Wow, they really want us to be surprised in the theater." 

It makes me really excited for the movie to open and leaves me wanting to see more. Much more. Like, today!

In addition to the trailer today, Revolution.PN has updated with some new gifs from the final Mockingjay Part 2 trailer. You can see them HERE

The sweetest part of the day was getting the #ThankYouFrancis trending on twitter during the final trailer debut. @FUCKINGEVERLARK on twitter had the idea to try and trend the hashtag today to show appreciation to director Francis Lawrence and we did it!! And Francis even tweeted his thanksso that was fun.  

What do you think of the final Mockingjay Part 2 trailer, tributes?

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