Giveaway: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay & Catching Fire Keepsake Ornaments by Hallmark

We're giving away THREE sets each of 2 gorgeous Hunger Games Hallmark Keepsake ornaments thanks to the generosity of the lovely people at Hallmark.
Each set will include one of the new Mockingjay Part 2 keepsakes. If you haven't seen one of these beauties in person, I can tell you that they are really incredible. They're about 4" and made of metal, which lends a nice weightiness to the ornament. The color is a lovely bright gold and they are the highest quality - certainly a must for The Hunger Games fan's holiday tree. If you don't celebrate Christmas, I'm sure you could find many different ways to use this Mockingjay to spruce up your decor (see what I did there). The ornament retails for $17.95 at Hallmark.
Here's the Mj2 ornament on MY tree.
The set will also include one of the Catching Fire keepsakes. I own and adore this ornament, and was so sad when we didn't get a Mockingjay Part 1 version. These are still selling on ebay and collectors sites for way above the original retail, so now is your chance to snag one if you missed out back in 2013.
Use the widget below to enter the giveaway which runs Saturday, December 5th through Thursday, Dec 10th at 5pmET. You may enter by doing one or all of the options, the choice is yours. Only one option is required. Three winners will each receive both a Catching Fire and a Mockingjay Part 2 ornament. This giveaway is open to US residents as Hallmark will be shipping directly to the winners. May the odds be ever in your favor!
Reader Comments (106)
I think my favorite is probably Catching Fire, but I love them all!
My favorite Hunger Games film is Mockingjay Part 2!! The acting in it was amazing and I really loved how they rapped it up. I have seen it about 7 times in the theatres because I can't stop watching it. My favorite seen was the last one because they ended it so well. (I don't want to say any spoilers for those who haven't seen it) I wish there could be more movies and books...
It is so hard to choose! I'm honestly in between Catching Fire and Mockingjay Part 2, and I haven't been able to decide yet! Catching Fire is so amazing because the characters were developed and all the plot twists, besides being an amazingly well done movie, but Mockingjay Part 2 gave the series such a satisfying end! They both are too amazing, in my opinion.
Yay!! Your blog is the BEST I love it and stay updated on your IG all the time!!
My favorite movie of the franchise is hard to choose... I would say catching fire or mockingjay part 2!!!
My favorite movie is Catching Fire, it is the one I enjoy the most.:)
My favorite film of the franchise had to have been Catching Fire. Just because it was the first film Francis had gotten to adapt and it was just so beautifully done and I had been so blown away with it. It was an amazing adaptation.
I love them. It will be beautifull in my chrismas tree. Tank you. I hope that the odd will be with me, i realy want to win. <3
Catching Fire is definitely the best!! We are introduced to a ton new characters and the directorial style of the movie is fantastic.
My favorite movie is Catching Fire, which is also my favorite book! I love how accurate the movie is, so it really captured everything I love about the book :)
My favorite film is mockingjay part 2 because in the first movie Katniss was a girl and in the last one u could see how katniss has been developed as a person how strong she is and how she risked everything to save the ones she loved! I love this saga it was AMAZING 💞
I can't choose just one. I love all of them. They make me feel a lot of emotions. I cry, i laught. i realy like the last because Hayffie kiss OMG and the end was so beautifull, Katniss, Peeta and there kids just like the book wow. Tank you. I hope that the odd will be with me, i realy want to win. <3
My favorite film of the franchise is Mockingjay Part 2. Mockingjay was my favorite book and I waited so long for the finale and it blew all my expectations out of the water. I was so excited to see my favorite characters finally find peace after such pain and tragedy. To see characters that are so important to me and have been with me through the ups and downs of my adolescence find happiness and hope, it gives me such a feeling of hope also.
My favorite has to be Catching Fire. The film was phenomenal. It's also my favorite era out of all 4 because the soundtrack and photographs are absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
My fav part is the last one of the Mockingjay series. It had everything in it I was hoping for! ♡. And the end, totally worth it. Cant wait to see it over and over again. ♡
My favorite film and book was Catching Fire by far. I think it was the best adaptation to film of all the series. The book is not your average "middle book" that bridges the first and third. You really feel everything coming to a head and see how Katniss' actions have inspired a nation.
My favorite movie has ro be Mockingjay Part 2!!! I can't stop watching it! I love it to so so much! i helps me get through hard times and everybody is just a big inspiration to me! I love all of them❤️
My favorite is catching fire and mockingjay part 2
I like Mockingjay part 2 because it kept me on the edge of my seat when I watched it. Also because it was an amazing movie.
My favorite movie is Mockingjay part 2! It followed the book really well and It kept me at the edge of my seat!
I can't decide between catching fire and Mockingjay part 2. I believe that their acting, specially Josh's, was amazing in Mockingjay part 2.
Yess! I wanted these so badly!
My favorites are The Hunger Games and Mockingjay Part 2. The Hunger Games really sets the stage for the rest of the story. It's when you first fall in love with the characters and connect with them. The Hunger Games made us feel the sadness and intensity of the games for the first time. Then Catching Fire shows how everything is going to change now with Katniss standing up against the Capital and inspiring people to stand up with her. Mockingjay part 1 sets the stage for Mockingjay part 2 which is so beautifully done that it shows how it all ended and had the perfect epilogue to make fans love the whole series even more.
I loved Catching Fire and Mockingjay PT2!
Contains spojlers!
My favorite is Catching Fire and Mockingjay part 2. Catching Fire is the best, because there is Peeta and Katniss together (haha) and Katniss wants Peeta stay alive, and he wants her stay alive as well. And everybody see how Katniss loves him, but she don't want know about it. Mockingjay is full of action (I had heart attack when the mutts come), danger, heartbrocking scenes (like Katniss and Buttercup, the children from Capitol dying (My friend felt as I sobbing when there was that moment)). I smiled sometimes (because of Johanna, of course). The epiloge is cute, but the music make it very: this-is-the-end-bitch!*sorry. After that movie I had headache because of crying.
(I'm not from USA or England. Sorry if there are errors.)
My favorite film is Mockingjay Part 2 because it really brings all of the themes within the story to a head. It is raw, it is real and it is completely awesome.