Netflix Losing 'The Hunger Games' - Why it's No Big Deal

Netflix is parting ways with Epix, which means they'll be losing some of their titles including The Hunger Games films. But never fear tributes, the films will be moving over to premium subscription service Hulu after October 1st. Hulu will also be getting Mockingjay Part 1 in the coming months, a title that's never been available on a subscription streaming VOD service. FYI, Hulu and Netflix are both $7.99 per month.
We know this wasn't a huge deal top most of you, especially since a lot of you have multiple home entertainment versions of EACH MOVIE (same here). What can we say, we must have all the special features and extras that you just can't get on Netflix. Yes, I have watched the BTS documentaries 400 times. Don't judge me.
But if you're bummed about the simple convenience of losing the titles from Netflix , consider that nearly every other weekend is The Hunger Games weekend on ABC Family (unless it's Harry Potter weekend) and Catching Fire will be landing there soon as well. You'll also be able to catch The Hunger Games and Catching Fire on TNT starting this winter, with Mockingjay Part 1 airing on the network in 2017, and Mockingjay Part 2 following in 2018. Seems like a long way off, but suffice it to say you'll be able get your Hunger Games fix for a long time to come.
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