



Entries by Kelsi Lynelle (9)


Win a Visit to District 12!

As Tributes, haven't we all dreamed of one day being able to walk through the Hob or see the porch from which Peeta threw Katniss the bread? Or maybe you've imagined seeing the arena, to see where the cornucopia was or the cave where Katniss and Peeta kept each other safe through the Games?

Thanks to Hunger Games Unofficial Fan Tours, you can have the chance! They have been covered by the likes of Good Morning America and the Today Show. There are only a few tours remaining for the fall season, with future dates to come in the spring.

However, they are offering 4 lucky Tributes the chance to win a tour of either District 12 or the Arena! Here's how to enter, courtesy of their Facebook page:


You have until tomorrow, Sunday, October 18th, to enter so be sure to send out those emails! You can view their Facebook page for more info. Or you can go directly to their website for more information, or if you want to just buy tickets! Their website is found here.



DIY Mockingjay Pin Hanging Chandelier

The finished product

We’re three weeks into our "100 Days of Mockingjay" Countdown to Mockingjay: Part 2, and this week is all about Hunger Games parties and celebrations. If you’re planning a HG-themed bash and don’t know where to start, have no fear – you know PP has you covered! Here's an awesome how-to by our friend and follower, Stefan, for a beautiful Mockingjay Chandelier that can serve as the centerpiece for a Hunger Games gathering that even Effie would be proud to attend! 


DIY Mockingjay Pin Hanging Chandelier

By: Stefan Marin

So you want to throw a Hunger Games party, but need some ideas? Well here is one that will blow away your guests! As the Mockingjay is one of the most important symbols of the Hunger Games (well, arguably the most important), why not make it the centerpiece of your next party? You can find most of the items you'll need for this project at stores like Wal-Mart or Target. You can also acquire them from art stores such as Jo-Ann’s and Michael’s (Which usually have great coupons!). 


Here’s what you’re going to need:

1x Large Foam Graphic Board

2x Styrofoam Pool Noodles

1x Exacto Knife or Box Cutter

2x Cans Metallic Gold Spray Paint (such as Krylon or Rust-OLeum)

1x Roll of White (or Color of Your Choice) Cloth, Ribbon or String

1x Hot Glue Gun w/ Glue Sticks

1x Roll of Duct Tape

1x Pencil w/Eraser

The Steps: 

1) The first step might be the hardest, but it’s definitely where you want to start. First, take your two pool noodles (one is fine too if you want it a little smaller) and hot glue the ends together to make one large circle. There are plenty of ways to help it stick, like putting a wooden dowel rod into the hole, but I’ve found it just as easy to use hot glue and duct tape! This will be your foundation for the ring of the Mockingjay pin.

2) Take the large foam board out. You’ll outline the Mockingjay for the pin on the foam board in pencil. I'm including a few different mockingjay outlines that you can enlarge and use as your template, but you could also draw your own. Remember, the Mockingjay is going to get spray painted, so you don’t have to worry too much about erasing your marks.
3) After you have made the outline of your giant Mockingjay, take the Exacto Knife or Box Cutter and carefully cut out the outline of it. 

4) Next, hot glue your Mockingjay cut out to the ring that you made from your foam noodles. Let dry.

5) After it is nice and dry, you’re going to want to glitz and glam it up! Take it outside and spray it with your gold spray paint. Make sure you get it front and back and everywhere in between! You will need a few coats with drying time in-between.

6) You’re almost done! Take your cloth, ribbon or string and tie it around each side of the pool noodle. Make sure that it is balanced so that when it hangs it isn’t lopsided. You could also hang it with one string from the top of the ring - just be careful where you joined the pool noodles together. 

7) You’re done! All you need to do now is hang it up. I hung it using the ceiling tiles but you could also use 3M Command hooks on the ceiling to hang this. The finished product should look something like this!


Some other things that you could add to your finished product would be red and yellow tissue paper to make it seem as if it’s on fire! Though we don’t suggest you actually light it on fire (we’ll leave the realistic flames to Cinna). You could add glitter, use a different paint color, the possibilities are endless.

Whatever celebration you’re planning on having, whether it’s a huge HG themed birthday bash or an intimate viewing party, this huge Mockingjay will make the perfect centerpiece. Plus, your friends will be amazed at your creative abilities, because there’s no need to tell them how easy it was! ;)

If you feel up to the challenge of making your own Mockingjay Chandelier, we’d love to see how you bring it to life! Share your pics on social media using #MockinjayChandelier and be sure to let us know if you think of any cool additions or adjustments to the steps!

Also, don’t forget to enter this week’s giveaway through the widget here. The giveaway ends tomorrow at 8pmEST.

You can follow Stefan on Twitter @Alexandermarin9 and on Instagram @Stefanarchuleta.

Sam Claflin and Josh Hutcherson: A Hunger Games Bromance #THGBFF

It’s no secret that the cast and crew of The Hunger Games series is one tight group but Catching Fire brought to light an incredible friendship which grew into a beautiful bromance between the Boy with the Bread himself, Josh Hutcherson, and the Capitol’s darling, Sam Claflin who plays Finnick. These two are clearly #THGBFFs!

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While doing press for Catching Fire, Josh confirmed that he and Sam just “totally hit it off” and bonded through their common interests and similar sense of humor. The guys grew close and have raved about the positive impact each had on the other.

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Then there was that on-screen “kiss!”

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gifs by finnickedair.tumblr 

Even leading-lady Jennifer Lawrence has noticed the love between the bros, saying “Thank god for Sam. We added a third person to the "Me and Josh." Very intense. I think we needed a third person. It was nice to see him run off with somebody else."

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“It’s a full-blown bromance, It’s really bromantic and adorable. It’s really cute. It’s annoying, but It’s cute.

One of my favorite moments of the Josh and Sam love-fest was when I (Kelsi) was at the Catching Fire fan camp and got a chance to see this bromance in action on the red carpet.

Settle down for story time, Tributes! Here’s what happened: Sam arrived shortly before Josh. Sam was walking the red carpet, taking pics and signing autographs and being a totally sweet gentleman to fans. Then, he stumbled upon a Peeta fan who had a poster that read “Josh is my Anchor.” Sam read this and proclaimed, “He’s mine, too!” He then stole the poster and held it up for the world to see, posing for the paparazzi and fans to see that he was unashamed of his love for the Hutch! 

Then Josh showed up and was clearly pleased with this public announcement of their bromance. 


Josh was nice enough to autograph the sign for the fan who made it, returned it to her, and then he and Sam hugged and lived happily ever after.

Okay, so maybe “happily ever after” is taking a bit too far. But they have remained good friends and serve as an inspiration to THG fans everywhere about how fandom can bring people together and how powerful that fandom bond can be. So thank you, Sam and Josh, for letting us see that you guys are super awesome bros and for reminding us to proudly proclaim the love for our own #THGBFF!

Leave a comment on your favorite Sam and Josh (Jam Hutcherflin) moment! 

Also, don’t forget to enter this week’s #THGBFF giveaway for the #100DaysofMJ through the widget here, and stay tuned as our countdown continues with more fun themes and prizes!

Follow Kelsi on Twitter and Instagram: @kelsilouwho


100 Days of Mockingjay - Kelsi's THG Story

Week 1 of our 100 Days of Mockingjay celebration is all about Your THG Story. Read about how to contribute yours here.

Kelsi is one of the writers here at PanemPropaganda and a contributor to our Facebook page. Here is Kelsi's THG Story:

I read The Hunger Games when the book first came out and I remember thinking immediately: “this is going to be HUGE!” I fell in love with the story, as well as with the character of Katniss and the fire that burned within her, noting her courage and deep compassion for those who matter most to her. I admire Suzanne Collins for her excellent writing skills, for being able to tell such an incredible and timely story with such strong characters. I aspire to be able to write like that and to someday have even an iota of the effect on others as Suzanne and her story has had on me.


I, like many fan-girls and fan-boys out there, am quite introverted. I have my moments of being socially awkward. In addition, I have struggled with OCD and depression for most of my life. Books and movies have always been my escape, so I have a variety of books, movies, celebs, series, etc. that I love and obsess over. Finding fandoms has made a profound difference in my life. It offered me the opportunity to belong amongst like-minded individuals and has ultimately helped me to feel a little more confident. The Hunger Games was something special, though. It has been the most welcoming and loving community that I have had the honor to be included in, allowing me to make new friends and have some incredible experiences.


As we head towards the final movie, I take comfort in knowing that the deep fandom bond will always be there. I will forever carry the label of “Tribute” with pride, as a badge of honor, with my three-finger salute, held high for all to see.

You can follow Kelsi on twitter and instagram at @kelsilouwho.

And be sure to enter our week one GIVEAWAY here. You could win a black mockingjay pin and a mockingjay journal! 


Panem’s Book Club - ‘Under the Never Sky’

Hey Tributes! We here at Panem Propaganda are continuing to compile a series of book recommendations for life between Mockingjay films and, ultimately, for life after The Hunger Games series comes to a close.

This month’s recommendation features the Under the Never Sky trilogy by Veronica Rossi.

Here is a synopsis of the book from Amazon:

“Fighting to survive in a ravaged world, a Dweller and a Savage form an unlikely alliance in New York Times bestselling author Veronica Rossi's "unforgettable dystopian masterpiece" (

Exiled from her home, the enclosed city of Reverie, Aria knows her chances of surviving in the outer wasteland—known as The Death Shop—are slim. Then Aria meets an Outsider named Perry. He's wild—a savage—and her only hope of staying alive. A hunter for his tribe in a merciless landscape, Perry views Aria as sheltered and fragile—everything he would expect from a Dweller. But he needs Aria's help too; she alone holds the key to his redemption.

In alternating chapters told in Aria's and Perry's voices, Under the Never Sky subtly and powerfully captures the evolving relationship between these characters and sweeps readers away to a harsh but often beautiful world. Continuing with Through the Ever Night and concluding with Into the Still Blue, the Under the Never Sky trilogy has already been embraced by readers in twenty-six countries and been optioned for film by Warner Bros.”

This series features three books, plus two exciting novellas that follow the storyline of secondary characters. The story is unique and provides a fascinating look into an alternate world. Rossi alternates the chapters between the main character’s points of view, offering readers great insight into the events of the story. These are books you won’t be able to put down, with a great adventure in store!

Follow Veronica Rossi on Twitter, @rossibooks, and LIKE her on FaceBook for more information about the author and the Under the Never Sky trilogy!

Under the Never Sky can be purchased from Amazon here .   


Josh Hutcherson Guest-Judges SyFy’s ‘FaceOff’

For those who don’t know, SyFy’s FaceOff is a competition series for up-and-coming makeup artists, with the contestants hoping to break out on the film makeup scene to create awesome character makeups in the movie industry. The Tuesday, January 27, 2015 episode of FaceOff featured Josh Hutcherson, our Peeta Mellark, as a guest judge. The show already includes Hunger Games makeup artist Ve Neill as a permanent fixture at the judging table. But as a guest judge, Josh got to offer his insight to the contestants’ makeup creations as well!

The episode began with the contestants entering an arena and approaching something like the cornucopia. Series host McKenzie Westmore and series judges Glenn Hetrick and Ve Neill were waiting for them. The competitors learned that for this challenge, they must play the role of Game-Makers and create a deadly creature by combining a dangerous plant with a wild animal! Ve Neill offered her advice of making the creations truly terrifying, like the dog-mutts from The Hunger Games. Then, McKenzie announced that superstar Josh Hutcherson would be the guest judge, so the pressure was on!

The contestants worked in teams of two for this HG themed challenge. Some of them struggled to create a character that was frightening, while others struggled to incorporate aspects of their plant and animal.

Then came the judging and our Hutch was rarin’ to go! When introduced at panel, the contestants clapped for Josh. He then started clapping, saying, “No, I clap for you! I’m just here to judge - you guys did all the hard work!” Josh also confessed that he is a huge fan of FaceOff, often binge-watching episodes.

As always, there were some beautiful character creations along with some that were not executed as well. 

When the judges took a closer look, Josh and the others noted many of the great aspects of each makeup. Josh acknowledged those who did truly menacing makeups, telling them, “I would run from that on set!” Ultimately, Josh provided some very well-spoken critiques and even comforted the contestant who was sent home, saying how he has been told ‘no’ many times in auditions and to not be disheartened by being sent home.

In case you happened to miss the episode, you can watch it On-Demand at, or simply by clicking here.



Jennifer Lawrence and Francis Lawrence Will Work Together Again on New Film

Our favorite Lawrences, Jennifer and Francis, are teaming up to work on a new project, alongside producer James Cameron. The film is The Dive, a biopic of real life competitive divers Francisco "Pipin" Ferraras and his wife Audrey Mestre.

The couple competed to dive as deep as possible underwater on only one breath of air. The film will tell their story, with Jennifer portraying Audrey Mestre. 

 No word yet on who will play opposite Jennifer as Ferraras or when the film will be released. But with the dynamic Lawrence duo signed on, it is certainly a must-see! We’ll keep our eyes and ears open for more info on this and update when we can.

To read the full article about the film on MSN, click here


'Mockingjay – Part 1' to Release in China… in 3D!

It is official: Mockingjay – Part 1 is a force to be reckoned with!

Lionsgate released a statement that the film will be shared by a partner company, the Beijing-based Talent International Film Co. Ltd.. Why, you ask? So that the film can be unveiled at over 4,000 theatres across China on February 8th, 2015! That will be the largest welcome for any of the films in the Hunger Games series.

But wait, there’s more. For moviegoers in China, the film will be seen in 3D – making this the only film in the series to be converted to 3D format.

Mockingjay – Part 1 has already decimated its competition in North American box offices by achieving over $121 million in its opening weekend, with all three installments grossing more than $2.2 billion in the global box office.  Based on the excellent reception the film has already received, it is expected that the China release will only solidify Mockingjay’s “rockstar status.”

In their press release, Lionsgate reps stated:

"With the widest Hunger Games opening ever in China and the first Hunger Games film to launch in 3D, Mockingjay is positioned to become a major motion picture event in one of our largest and fastest-growing territories."

It is safe to assume that most Tributes would agree with that statement! Our own Katniss Everdeen, Jennifer Lawrence, has even recorded a special greeting for fans in China and a new version of the trailer has been released to get Chinese fans pumped for the movie release.

Read the full press release article here