“No one seeing them could doubt their love.“ - Finnick and Annie

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Guest post by Jessica aka EtherealFinnick
Odesta is my favorite ship and always will be.
Finnick and Annie’s relationship is up to much interpretation and one’s own ideas about how it started and progressed, but no matter how one thinks their love story began, this is certain: they are each other’s whole entire world. These are two people who have been dehumanized to no end. Finnick has been seen as nothing but a sex symbol and an object for the Capitol citizens to do with what they want, while Annie has been diminished to just a “mad girl.” I think a big part of their relationship was making each other feel human again after everything they’d been through and finding a kind of peace and family together. And even though one doesn’t know how they met or how long they knew each other, it’s easy to tell how much Finnick and Annie care for each other through scenes like the jabberjay attack, the reunion, and their wedding. Finnick and Annie had a completely mutual need for one another that, in my opinion, is unparalleled to any other ship I’ve seen. They were each other’s rocks, the one person that they loved more than anything else in the world.
I love that they adore each other so much and that after all they’ve been through, just being able to be together is enough for them. They really are indivisible.
A huge thank you to PanemPropaganda for giving me a chance to share my love for my absolute favorites, Finnick and Annie. Also a big shout out to my friends and everyone in the odesta community on tumblr who are so imaginative and loving as well as everyone in The Hunger Games fandom! Let’s make the days leading up to Mockingjay Part 2 great, as well as the time after <3
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