100 Days of Mockingjay - Elise's THG Story

Week 1 of our 100 Days of Mockingjay celebration is all about Your THG Story. Read about how to contribute yours here.
Elise is one of the writers here at PanemPropaganda and co-manages our instagram account. Here's her THG Story:
There are all types of people who like The Hunger Games. I was one of those people who didn’t connect with the trilogy when it first became popular. But I hadn't given it a chance. I’ve always been a “book person” but the books seemed violent and inhumane to me; I simply wasn’t interested no matter what people said. However, one of my friends convinced me to go see Catching Fire the weekend it came out, and I couldn’t go see that without seeing the first movie! So I forced myself to watch The Hunger Games (At the time I hadn’t read the books yet...I know, I know…). I thought “Okay this isn’t that bad but the concept is still strange to me”. The next day I saw Catching Fire and I was totally mesmerized during the whole film. I saw it multiple times and then I received the trilogy for Christmas and read them in January of 2014.
This trilogy (obviously!) means the world to me. I absolutely love interacting with all of you and being a part of the team at Panem Propaganda. I’ve gained so many friends and experiences in The Hunger Games fandom.The Hunger Games inspires me to believe in myself and to be strong and fight for what I believe in, no matter what anyone thinks. If something is important to you, it’s something that matters. The characters are unique and intriguing, along with the world they live in, Panem. This trilogy is a perfect example that life can go on, and people can learn to love after destruction, loss, and trauma. It prepares us to think about our future because after all, we are the future, and we have the chance to make it bright.
You can follow Elise on twitter @lawrencexswift.

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