




New 'Mockingjay Part 2' Stills! 

A lovely new batch of Mockingjay Part 2 stills debuted today. The new Peeta still premiered on Josh Hutcherson's Facebook page. Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen was also a Facebook page debut.

Will there be any more stills revealed today? Stay tuned!


Sam Claflin Says The Lizard Mutt Scene in Mockingjay Part 2 Was the "Hardest day of work I’ve ever done"

Sam Claflin is InStyle UK's Man of Style for November. In the article he has a bit to say about Mockingjay Part 2 and a very important scene in the film for his character Finnick Odair. *SPOILERS* If you haven't read Mockingjay Part 2 Do NoT PROCEED! Sam also talks about his training, career to date, and the reason he’s not so keen on selfies. 


So, Sam, let’s cut to the chase. As anyone who has read the trilogy of books knows, in the next instalment of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 [out this month]  your character gets “decapitated by a lizard muttation.” How do you even begin to prepare for that?

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That was the hardest day of work I’ve ever done. I was continually fighting, killing one stunt guy after another, and all for a grizzly end.

But that’s why one goes into acting, right? The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat.

Weirdly, yes. I was very sporty growing up, and through drama school I focussed more on fight choreography and stage combat and less on Shakespeare. My dad and I enjoyed watching action films: all the Bonds, Braveheart, Gladiator. Lots of epic historical films. But The Goonies was and is my favourite movie. 


In your next film, the heartstring-tugger Me Before You, you play Will Traynor, a paralyzed man. You’re also in talks to play Robin Friday, an English soccer player who died at age 38. Even Finnick, though superheroic, is human in the end. You seem attracted to the mortal in an age when so many actors are donning capes and masks.

I’m open-minded. If the right script came along, I would happily jump aboard. But the main thing is, I want to be challenged in new ways & work with interesting people. I’m not in a rush to win an Oscar or even try to go down that route.

You’ve got a bit of a tween fan base. Do you feel pressure to act in a certain way? Is it something you discuss with your wife, who is also an actress?

I suppose I have a certain following that my wife, Laura [Haddock], doesn’t. But in general, she’s much more publicly scrutinized – for everything from how she behaves to what she wears – than I am. As we’re both actors, we don’t talk much about it. To us, it’s just normal. As for my fans, I’m respectful of the age group that’s interested in me. I try not to swear too much, and, well…it’s a difficult balance. I like to drink, and I have a tattoo, but I keep it quiet. I don’t want kids saying, “He’s got one, so I’ll get one.”

What’s your tattoo of?

It’s a red and black swallow on my left inner bicep.

Who did you look up to as a kid?

That’s easy – David Beckham. I’ve played football every day of my life.

Oh, he has a ton of tattoos. You guys could bond over that. Have you met him?

No. I was at a party and he was there, but I was too nervous to approach him. It’s the second time I’ve really been quite speechless and giddy and childish. I hate the selfie things, but I saw Paul Rudd in a hotel in New York, and I have a secret man crush on him. I wanted to take a picture with him, but I said to myself, “I can’t stoop to that level”. I wish I had, though. I was telling my wife, who knows I love him, that I saw him and she said “Prove it,” and I couldn’t.

What’s your issue with selfies?

I was in the gym the other day when these two women arrived in their gym gear. After taking 10 minutes’ worth of selfies in front of the mirror, they went to every machine in turn and took more, with that little duck face people pull. It really bothered me. Their workout consisted of them taking photos of themselves on equipment. It’s a vanity the world has taken on. I don’t feel like I’ve worked out unless I’m dripping with sweat and probably looking my worst. Why do people want to see that? I think it’s part of a larger issue of how much we rely on computers. Even in my work, I worry about how much we rely on CGI. Animation is getting so good that soon we’ll just be voices, then manufactured voices and out of a job.

Would you prefer to be in another era, doing the lo-fi epics Errol Flynn did?

Yeah, I think I would. They literally slap their thighs and the music comes in at exactly the right moment. But I don’t know if people back then took those action films seriously.

Is being taken seriously a big concern?

It’s quite low down [laughs]. I think there are parts of me that would like to be taken seriously. But a lot of roles are offered to someone who’s better or more handsome.

Can anyone really be more handsome, Sam?

There’s a Hollywood hierarchy, and the same parts are offered to the same people. There’s a pool, and I’m on the outskirts trying to get in. I’m very lucky though. I have friends who would happily do the script I’ve just said no to. It’s a first world problem, but it is a problem I’m having. 

Special thanks to SamClaflinFans and @captainswanftw for the article and photos. 


New Interview With Francis Lawrence Teases a Surprise For Fans at The End of 'Mockingjay Part 2'

The Hunger Games fandom has been freaking out over a recent interview with Mockingjay Part 2 director Francis Lawrence that was published in the Mexican newspaper Informador. In the interview, Francis says Mockingjay Part 2 will be a "very satisfying and emotional ending" to the franchise. But what everyone is going crazy over is that Francis teases a "surprise" at the end, specifically for fans. We've translated the article from Spanish for you. 

"After what the characters have been through, you want to end with a sense of hope but due to the themes we've explored in the films, the consequences of violence and war, they change forever. Even if there is hope, they've  suffered permanent damage, '' said the director. 

Lawrence insisted, however, despite the lack of a traditionally happy ending, it will be ''the most satisfying of all the films (in the series) because the story comes to a conclusion'' and he hopes that it will match the expectations of the story's fans. 

Francis, Sam Claflin, Josh Hutcherson and Jennifer Lawrence on the Catching Fire set

The director has spent more than three and a half years dedicated full-time to The Hunger Games franchise, allowing him to establish communication with the fans and listen to their requests. ''Fans want us to include specific phrases of the book, certain scenes, '' said the director, who noted that one of the fans' wishes is to see an on-screen romantic encounter between Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson), characters who pretend an awkward affair.  

Without giving specifics, the director said that Mockingjay Part 2 has, ''a surprise that's not in the book'' and has added it specifically for the fans. ''It's towards the end of the film,'' he said. 


Way to give us a heart attack Francis! This could be many different things, but I'm sure 99.9% of you are hoping for it to be Everlark related.

What do you guys think the "surprise" could be? Let us know in the comments!





Today, we unite, and celebrate the artists of The Hunger Games fandom. DinoMight Studios and Panem Propaganda proudly present, The Hunger Games: Fan-Art Showcase. Thank you for your submissions, and remember, we are all victors! 

Obviously, we would have loved to include every single submission - and we tried! But due to time constraints, there was a limit. We will, however, be continually adding your amazing art to our Fan Art Appreciation Week album on Facebook. Check there to see if yours is included! If not, be sure to submit it over social media with #FanArtWeek. and know that you are ALL appreciated! 

This video was created by the awesomely talented Javontay McElroy. You can follow him on twitter, instagram, tumblr and DinoMight Network on YouTube. 


Julianne Moore on President Coin in Modern Luxury's Angeleno 

Julianne Moore is the cover star for the November issue of Modern Luxury’s Angeleno magazine and we've got our first look thanks to US Magazine

Opening up about her role as President Coin in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2, Moore said she strived to bring more depth to the character, who leads the rebellion alongside Jennifer Lawrence’s Katniss.

Because you see Coin from the view of Katniss, she’s not fully fleshed out. But I wanted to give her a kind of an arc. I don’t want to give it away, but there’s a sense of evolution with Coin that leads potentially to a sense of disillusionment. I wanted her to evolve from someone who was revolutionary to someone who has inserted herself in a power structure.”

The digital copy of Modern Luxury’s Angeleno magazine is available online beginning Oct. 20. We'll update this post with more from the article when it's out!


James Newton Howard Honored & The Hanging Tree LIVE at Hollywood In Vienna

The Hunger Games franchise score composer James Newton Howard was the guest of honor and recipient of the Max Steiner Film Music Achievement Award at Hollywood in Vienna. The annual film music gala "Hollywood in Vienna," took place October 15th and 16th at the historic Wiener Konzerthaus (Vienna Concert Hall) in Vienna, Austria.

Howard's work was performed live by the world-class ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Keith Lockhart, chief conductor of the Boston Pops. Here is The Hanging Tree performed at the event. It's pretty majestic. I can only imagine how glorious it sounded live!


Win a Visit to District 12!

As Tributes, haven't we all dreamed of one day being able to walk through the Hob or see the porch from which Peeta threw Katniss the bread? Or maybe you've imagined seeing the arena, to see where the cornucopia was or the cave where Katniss and Peeta kept each other safe through the Games?

Thanks to Hunger Games Unofficial Fan Tours, you can have the chance! They have been covered by the likes of Good Morning America and the Today Show. There are only a few tours remaining for the fall season, with future dates to come in the spring.

However, they are offering 4 lucky Tributes the chance to win a tour of either District 12 or the Arena! Here's how to enter, courtesy of their Facebook page:


You have until tomorrow, Sunday, October 18th, to enter so be sure to send out those emails! You can view their Facebook page for more info. Or you can go directly to their website for more information, or if you want to just buy tickets! Their website is found here.



Liam Hemsworth Covers Men's Fitness Magazine

Liam Hemsworth is the November cover star of Men's Fitness Magazine. Inside the issue Mr. Handsome man (sorry, after The Muppets he's going to be called that forever. In THAT voice). Inside the issue, Liam briefly touches on Mockingjay Part 2, talks about going vegan like his co-star Woody Harrelson, his newest rescue dog, and reveals his hidden talent is painting! Who knew?

On Gale's expanded role in Mockingjay Part 2: 

The movies are always played through the eyes of Katniss [Jennifer Lawrence]. But this last one is more of an ensemble, I would say. There’s this squad that gets sent into the Capitol—which is me, Jennifer, Josh [Hutcherson], and then a few other people—and most of the film is centered around us. I’d say it’s the most fast-paced and action-packed film out of all of them. It feels like you’re in the middle of a battle the whole time. Part 1 was more talking about what was going to happen. Now it feels like you’re in the middle of the battle the whole time. It’s really fun. 

I’m really not a serious guy. I feel like I’m a pretty positive influence on a lot of people in my life, and I try to be healthy and try to help the world as much as I can. I’m a complete goofball—I’m not at all a cool guy. My brothers used to call me “Diplodocus,” which is a large dinosaur. A large slow-moving dinosaur.


Men's Fitness is on newsstands now. Read the full Men's Fitness November 2015 cover story here. Download the issue here

Scans thanks to msuniquepearl on tumblr!